[5] Challenge 13

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Ooo unlucky thirteen.

Last time on Radish's Kik Arcade, we had our first speed challenge. It was close, but in the end, Glorious Greens won. This caused a little drama for the Pretty Purple Pixels with who they were going to vote off. It appeared to be Collin at first, but he used a Vote Turn Around, and got Cole eliminated. And then Cookie was eliminated for inactivity. And then memes. What meme-y moments will happen next? Let's find out right now, on Radish's Kik Arcade!

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

Pretty Purple Pixels (6)
Stab, Kelsey, Collin, Poke, JT, Ry

Glorious Greens (8)
Naomi, Glitch, Jimmie, Sky, Anna, Tech, Dagger, Cheshire

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

Cookie's last words:

Sigh. When I joined the kik comp, I knew I wouldn't make it far. Like I knew that I would only be on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. But my SISTER blamed me on something I didn't so long story short, I reinstalled kik. When I saw Just You groups all over, I knew. But tbh I didn't think I'd go... this far. Top 16 come on. If this was 30, then I'd pretty much be in the merge. Cuz my reaction was: I. Will. Die. So I'm just glad I came this far I guess. Buys more time for my books, and sigh, another book I have to rewrite. Bye I guess.
*turns back around and smiles* I'm rootin for ya Collin.

No pressure or anything.

So not much happened afterward. Cole was really the one to get the chats talking and drama growing.


The 72 hour long challenge was for the teams to create a song. It had to associate with video games or board games, and that was about it. The songs could be originals, parodies, about a certain game, about games in general, about the games they made, it didn't matter. I wasn't picky.

Later in the day, Collin and Poke on the Purple Team both said they'd attempt to create their own parody. The next day, Poke sent his to the chat. Ry said she'd make one, while JT came on and apologized for not being able to create a song. Kelsey sent hers to the chat, but it wasn't finished yet. A while later, they were deciding between Poke's and Kelsey's. Poke submitted his parody, but Kelsey submitted hers a little bit later, so I had to go with Kelsey's.

On the Green Team, they talked about some random stuff for some time, then Glitch showed his parody to the chat. There was some scattered discussion throughout the challenge, but in the end, they sent his modified version only 3 minutes before the challenge ended.


At one point I told people to just have a civil argument that I could put in the chapter (lmao), and Naomi came up with a few ideas:

- God
- Evolution
- Abortion
- Gay Marriage
- Barack Obama
- Halo is better than COD

There was a little discussion about abortion, but an argument wasn't really started (I was so tempted to start one).

Anywho, here's everyone's answers:

God: yes
Evolution: yes
Abortion: you do you boo
Gay Marriage: yes
Barack Obama: yes
Halo VS COD: Cod is better

God: idk
Evolution: idk
Abortion: No.
Gay Marriage: Yes, definitely alright
Barack Obama: idk
Halo VS COD: Idek I've never played either

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