[7] Challenge 26 (Finale)

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Last time on The Radish Reunion Comp, the final three had to compete in the Final Three Triathlon, in which they all created their own challenge for the three of them to complete. Andrew's challenge was to create a sport, Collin's challenge was a puzzle gauntlet, and Luna's challenge was to write a short story without using any words more than once. After all three challenges, Collin had the least amount of points, so he was eliminated. We have our two finalists: Andrew and Luna. Who will be the champion? Find out right now, on The Radish Reunion Comp!


Final Competitors: Andrew and Luna


Before we get to the finale, I made a goof in the last chapter, as I usually do. I miscounted the scores of Andrew's create a sport challenge in the triathlon. Andrew actually got 55/90, while Collin got a 56/90.

Luckily this doesn't actually affect the results of the triathlon. It gave Collin one extra point (as he got first place in the first challenge instead) and Andrew one less point (as he got second place instead), but after the other two challenges, the results were still the same.

Triathlon Challenge 1 Results
1st: Collin (3 points)
2nd: Andrew (2 points)
3rd: Luna (1 point)

Triathlon Challenge 2 Results
1st: Luna (4 points)
2nd: Andrew (4 points)
3rd: Collin (4 points)

Triathlon Challenge 3 Results
1st: Luna (7 points)
2nd: Andrew (6 points)
3rd: Collin (5 points)

Anyway, that doesn't really matter since the results are the same, but I figured I'd let everyone know. I do be making mistakes.

Also, this season has officially been the longest season ever in terms of challenge amount and time, beating season 6 by one day (I think). Woohoo

After Collin was eliminated, Luna and Andrew revealed something that shocked many people.

Andrew and Luna are dating.


Of course, I knew this because they talk about it in their diaries and their power trio alliance chat, but some of the spectators had no idea, and were surprised. Some of them said everyone knew, but some obviously did not know, so idk

Also, remember the "two exes" that I mentioned at the beginning of the comp that had some very noticeable tension between them? I never mentioned them by name, but now I finally can. Andrew and Luna were the exes, as they dated sometime in 2019/2020 but then broke up.

They started out this season with Luna hating Andrew because of something that happened between them. But, as the competition went on, the two of them grew to like each other again, and eventually started to date again.

And now they have to face each other in the finale.

We had three-four days of downtime in between the final three triathlon and the finale because of scheduling reasons. During those days, I asked the two finalists the following question: "How does it feel to be in the finale of The Radish Reunion Comp?" They both responded in public confessions.

Andrew's response:
"Honestly? It kind of feels unreal. My past performances have been subpar, no one really expected anything that great out of me. I've worked really hard to get to the position I'm standing in today, and I couldn't be anymore proud of that. I've got to make new friends, re-ignite past flames from other people that were once burnt out, and those are the moments that matter the most.
I had to manipulate, grind, strategize my way through the entire comp, and outlived all of the twists, enemies, blindsides, and here I am. I had to betray some of my closest companions in the comp to get here, and although those were tough decisions I don't regret them. They got me here. I'm excited, confident, proud, and ready for the Finale to go down, and it's even better that I get to finish this season off against my girlfriend, a final battle between a couple, this has literally never happened before, we're making history, so that's also sick."

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