[6] Challenge 12

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Last time on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter, the teams had to complete 20 trivia questions on Radish's Kik Arcade. The Villains finally decided to try, but still ended up losing as the Heroes pulled a well-deserved victory. The Villains voted, and Jimmie was eliminated. Now the teams are disbanded, and it's every contestant for themselves. Who will prevail? Find out right now, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!


Remaining Stars (9): Stab, Kelsey, Anna, Ry, JT, Thomas, Collin, Dark, Rebel


No noticeable drama occurred after the teams were disbanded. As the contestants waited for their first merge challenge, several assumed it would be something related to season 1 or something uncreative.

But I surprised them.

Their first challenge on their own was to create a new cover for this book, "Radish's Kik Comps". Their cover had to include some sort of element from each of the six seasons, and had to have the title "Radish's Kik Comps" on it.

Failure to submit a cover would result in elimination.

Some of the contestants got right to work. Some didn't, and procrastinated until the last day. Some sent in rushed covers on the first day just in case they didn't have time to finish a better cover. Some didn't do the challenge at all.

Actually, only one didn't do it.

It was Stab.

Stab was eliminated.


Stab's Stats
Confessionals: 25
Missed Challenges: 4
Votes: 0
Previous Team: Heroes
Place: 9th


Thanks for participating, Stab!

At first, I didn't think he even knew about the challenge. But as I scrolled up in the chat to see if any drama happened, I saw this:

 But as I scrolled up in the chat to see if any drama happened, I saw this:

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Stab's last words:

"*see you again plays in the background during my dramatic final goodbye*

Forgot about this challenge. Or I'm lazy lmao.
I'm sorry to those I let down, I should've done this challenge. These comps were rly fun, and I'm sad I'm out, for the last time. I've never been voted out, which feels kinda nice, even though I didn't add anything to the comp cause I'm a ghost 👻. Thanks to everyone who has helped me, and helped me through this wonderful experience. If u stay out and don't cause drama, it's actually pretty fun. Thanks for hosting Todd, and thanks to everyone that's been nice to me, I rly appreciate it.
See you all sooner than u think :) ;)"

Stab was eliminated from the Wattpad Scavenger Hunt in both seasons 4 and 5, and he was eliminated for not doing a challenge in 6, so yes, he was never voted out.

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