[6] Challenge 14

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Last time on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter, the contestants had to Find the Comment on AMS. I don't even know how to recap what happened. A court case versus Rebel ruled that Thomas was safe, so Collin was eliminated for being the last one to find the comment. Yeah that works. What will happen next? Find out right now, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!


Remaining Stars (6): Kelsey, Anna, JT, Thomas, Dark, Rebel


The next challenge was the traditional writing challenge. The contestants had 4.5 days to publish a one-chapter story rewriting an event that happened in the Kik Comps in real life or Minecraft. For example, when Yuri betrayed Infinity in season 1, they could write Yuri stabbing her in the back with a knife. They could write about any event that has happened in any of the Kik Comps so far. The writer of the best story would win the choice of who would be eliminated next.

Failure to publish a story would result in elimination.

No drama occurred in the main chat again again again.

JT published his story, which was a summary of Radish Stars, within 24 hours of the challenge beginning.

The other five decided to wait until the last day.

Because my comp is full of procrastinators, I had to push the deadline back an hour so I had time to read all the stories (and also because I was at iHOP).

Dark published his story about his elimination in season 3 about 6 hours before the deadline.

Anna was next with her story regarding Rebel confronting me about the riggings, about 5 hours before the deadline.

Next was Thomas with his story about he, Rebel, and Karim finding out about my rigging (or something like that), 4 hours before the deadline.

Kelsey published her story about faking leaving the Endventurers in season 5 about 3 hours before the deadline.

Rebel was last with her story, less than an hour before the deadline. Hers was also about her confronting me about rigging in season 5. Rigging seems to be a common theme here.

Since all six contestants published a story, nobody was eliminated for not participating (*coughStabcough*).

I just thought of this now as I'm writing this chapter. I should have assigned a season to each contestant (since there's six left) and had them write a story about something that happened in that season. This would have added a little more variety to the stories.

Now I'm sad that I didn't do that. CHALLENGE REDO TIME!

Jk it's too late for that. If you want to read the six stories, they are in a reading list on my profile titled "Kik Comp 6 Entries (Rewriting a Kik Comp Event)".

After some discussion with myself, I decided Rebel had the best written story. She then had the choice of who would be eliminated next.

She had 24 hours to decide. Usually when a contestant has that long to decide who is eliminated, they decide within a few hours.

Rebel, however, waited until there were 2 minutes left before finally telling me who she was eliminating. She gave me two choices, just in case her first choice had the immunity idol.

Her first choice was JT, and he did not have the idol.

JT was eliminated.


JT's Stats
Confessionals: 6
Missed Challenges: 3
Votes: 1
Previous Team: Heroes
Place: 6th


Thanks for participating, JT!

Besides Choco, JT is the only person that has been in all six seasons of my comps. He changed his name from Cyrus to Jay to JT, but they were all him. Gg.

JT's last words:

"Umm... good luck to the rest of the heroes, Rebel.. actually made a good choice on who to eliminate, cause let's be honest, not trying to say that I at least made it to final six again, but, Some of these eliminations, even though I was a hero, might have be caused by me, I drew first blood, and I don't mind getting blood all the way up to my shoulders... anyways... BAI"



Rebel: 12
Thomas: 1


Five Radish Stars remain

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Five Radish Stars remain. What more do I have in store for the contestants? Was JT really secretly behind some of the eliminations? Who will make it to the final four? And will we ever find out who has that immunity idol? Find out next time, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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