[1] Challenge 9

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The contestants had 24 hours to send me a funny video, and the one that Thomas and I thought was the funniest won immunity.

That didn't happen though, because I ended up cancelling the challenge. Why, you ask?

Because Dark decided to leave the comp.

He has his reasons, but since he left, I decided not to have an elimination this challenge. I gave the contestants a new challenge that will be explained next chapter.

Dark was eliminated.

Dark's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 11
Number of Missed Challenges: 2
Number of Votes for him: 0
Place: 5th

Thanks for participating, Dark!

Nothing else really happened during this challenge, so there's not much else for me to say. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Number of Confessionals for this Challenge:
Yuri: 1
Choco: 1
Dark: 1

Four contestants remain: Yuri, Rebel, Diamond, and Choco.

What will happen next time, in our final four challenge? And who will move on to the final three? Find out next time, on Radish's Total Drama Kik Competition!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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