[5] Challenge 18

187 15 80

Last time on Radish's Kik Arcade, the players had to build something related to a board game or video game in Minecraft. Jimmie didn't turn one in because he knew he would be voted off anyway, making it Game Over for him. Someone purchased 3 Double Votes to be used against Ry, which made it Game Over for her as well. What thrills and chills will the players get today? Find out right now, on Radish's Kik Arcade!


Remaining Players (6):
Stab, Poke, Naomi, Glitch, Sky, Anna


It was time for the players' next speed challenge. This one was another tradition: Guess the Quote ("Total Drama Minecraft Returns" edition). I said a quote from TDMR, and the players had to guess which character said it. Whoever guessed correctly first earned a point. The player with the most points at the end of the challenge won immunity and a Radish Point.

Everyone attended the challenge except for Glitch, who showed up right after it ended.

Here are the quotes that were used:

"Wow, these beds are as comfy as a haystack!" -Haylee

"What does she think she's doing? Puns are my thing!" -Wilbur

"Hey! Stop talking to my sidekick, squid!" -Jack

"Why does everyone keep forgetting I exist?" -Ech

"I'm not a child, Mom." -Wooly

"It's okay. You're right. Giant waves are another one of my phobias." -Chloe

"You know what else is the best? Energy drinks, man." -Lloyd


"Oh, uh, I guess. She's not my girlfriend, though." -Kain

"Maybe because I'm not actually ugly. Maybe you and Jesse are the only ones that think I am." -Moolissa

"I can't do this. I hate being mean to people!" -Pola

"My friend and I decided to go mountain climbing one day. I thought it would be a great idea. I loved adventure." -Sherry

Once again, barely any of the remaining contestants have read that book. Stab and Sky were the only two that have. Everyone else was guessing the entire time.

It made me sad once again. I guess I should be used to it by now, though, because I'm pretty sure this has happened almost every season.


Boo hoo

Anyway, Stab, Sky, and Poke were the only three that earned any points, and Poke only got it from guessing.

I ended up not doing the last 2 quotes because Stab had already won by that point.

He forgot to mention that he messed up on a quote so it was #RebelToTheRescue to right his wrong

Final score:
Stab: 8
Sky: 2
Poke: 1

Once again again, Stab had immunity and another Radish Point. The players then had to vote someone off.

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