[6] Challenge 18 (Finale)

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Last time on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter, the final three had to complete the most difficult Wattpad Scavenger Hunt of Radish's Kik Comps. Rebel and Thomas earned high scores, but Dark didn't get to send in all his answers because his mom confiscated his phone. Rip. Dark was eliminated. We have our two finalists: Rebel and Thomas. Who will be the champion of season 6? Find out right now, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!


Remaining Stars (2): Thomas, Rebel


Dark's last words:

"So im out, eh. Just what I expected. My journey ends here. Maybe? Or are there some opportunities waiting for me.. I doubt.

Dis is the last Tood's kik comp. Sad.
Idk why, but, this like made the two years of my life. Or waste.

Because of this comp, I found out there is app called Kik. I met friends and ofcourse, enemies. Eh, im not making a long sweet message af. I just did that last season. Too corny.

Oh btw, this season I made a new friend :0. hey Anna

Im gonna end this now, lol

Welp, Im rooting for you two, Rebel and Thomas!

Idk if im gonna delete my Kik app cuz it f****** occupies a lot of memory. I guess I should really keep on learning grammar for my book, lol.

Good luck, everyone,

Hey Rebel, thank you for the alliance, we are the real freaks on the show.


Gg, Dark.

It's time for the finale.

Both Thomas and Rebel did a public confessional before it began.


"I have a feeling of felicity because I am the most felicitous person to be in the finale of the final season of Radish's Kik Comps. However, I must say I do feel kinda guilty as I was in fact a floater this season. Rebel worked her butt off to get herself to the finale and she also worked her but off to bring me with her.  That being said, I too worked my butt off season 2-5 to get to the finale and i never did, hence me being the most felicitous person to be here right now.

Rebel, honestly, since I was a floater this season, I would have considered throwing the finale challenge for you to win. However, since 1) you've already won a season and 2) you most definitely would not want me to do that, I won't hold back when I face you in the finale. Mark my words, I will win this comp!"


"I worked my a** off this entire season. I get it's just a game, but it still means something to me to be able to win by myself with my own strategies and mind while for most of the comps I've just sat by and watched it happen, and for the only other time I was a contestant, my win wasn't even fair.
I've backstabbed, betrayed, tricked, felt worry at challenges, felt regret at eliminations... I've been the reason why many people were eliminated. And why thomas has been able to get here at the final two.
I've put too much time and effort into this. I made sure Thomas was here with me. But I will NOT let a floater beat me.
Bring it on, Thomas. Bring your best. But I've been holding back in the challenges this whole time.

I'm taking you down."

*dramatic music*

It was time for the finale to begin.

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