[1] Challenge 12 (Finale)

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The two finalists competed in a Minecraft speed trivia challenge. I asked a question about Minecraft, and whoever private messaged me the correct answer first got a point. Whoever had the most points after the ten questions won.

Here are the questions that were asked (not in order), with the answers in parentheses:

1. What was Notch trying to create when he made the Creeper? (pig)
2. What happens when a pig is struck by lightning? (turns into a Zombie Pigman)
3. Which biome are hostile mobs unable to spawn in? (mushroom biome)
4. What happens when a Creeper is struck by lightning? (becomes charged)
5. How long is a Minecraft day/night cycle in real time? (20 minutes)
6. Name all blocks affected by gravity. (Gravel, sand, anvil, red sand, armor stand)
7. How many game modes are in Minecraft? (5)
8. What is the rarest ore in the game? (emeralds)
9. How much hunger does a golden apple replenish? (2 bars)
10. What ingredients are needed to craft a cake? (3 milk, 2 sugar, 1 egg, 3 wheat)

It was a very close game. Both Rebel and Yuri got several points.

At one point, Rebel had 5 points, and Yuri had 2. Being the generous human being Rebel is, she purposely didn't get the next two questions first, which brought the score up to 5-4.

But then, Rebel decided to crush Yuri.

Since it was 5-4, if Rebel got the last question right, she would win. But if Yuri got it right, they would do a tiebreaker.

I asked a question, and they both got it wrong at first. But then, they both changed their answer to the correct one, literally right after one another.

But who got it right first?











Which means that Rebel won Radish's First Total Drama Kik Competition!

Yuri's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 14
Number of Missed Challenges: 1
Number of Votes for him: 0
Place: 2nd

Thanks for participating, Yuri!

Rebel's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 29
Number of Missed Challenges: 0
Number of Votes for her: 0
Place: 1st

(lmao 29 confessionals)

Thanks for participating, Rebel!

Number of Confessionals for this Challenge:
Yuri: 4
Rebel: 3

So yeah, Rocknrebel44 won my first Kik comp! You should all go follow her and read her books!

Congratulations, Rebel!

I am not sure when I will host my next comp

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I am not sure when I will host my next comp. But when I do, I will notify everyone through this book. So keep this in your library!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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