[4] Challenge 1

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The comp has begun.

But first, before the comp actually began, some drama occurred.

The Kikolution chat still exists, and now all the new season 4 contestants are in it as well. Somehow, Venn and Naomi decided that one of the newbies--named Star--was actually Corey in disguise, because he had similar grammar mistakes. Corey did not sign up for this season, and Star repeatedly denied that he was Corey.

Also, I added Thomas to the chat last, because he was unsure about joining. When he joined, he told everyone he was a strategist but was actually pretty nice. He also said he would win.

Collin called "bs" on that and started to argue with Thomas. This resulted in Collin saying he blocked Thomas, but it was revealed that he didn't. Unless he lied. The two of them made up the next day.

Also also, a few Kik Comp POV books have been made by contestants already. In Andrew's and Ry's--who were paired up by me because neither could find a partner--they both said they had a secret they didn't want me to know.

Also also also, I have been informed that several alliances have been made already. Several of them are certain to break.

That's all the pre-comp drama I remember. Now it's time for the actual comp.

The first challenge was about to begin, and several of the contestants were already waiting for me to show up. I was like thirty seconds late and they all yelled at me.

Anyway, their first challenge was to work with their partner to create a name for their country. It could be anything they wanted, as long as it wasn't already an existing country, and wasn't inappropriate. They had 12 hours to send me their name. Every team that didn't send me a name was nuked into elimination.

After announcing the challenge, I received several names within ten minutes. It didn't take long for two people to agree on a name.

When the twelve hours ended, many of the contestants were eager to find out if anyone was eliminated. Some were sure nobody was, because "all they had to do was send Todd a name".

We did roll call/role call (which one is it?) of all the countrys' names, so the contestants knew who everyone was.

There are numbers in front of the countries, but they are in no particular order. The numbers are just so you can keep track of how many countries there are. There is a total of fifteen couples.

Here is the roll call now:

1. Jimmie and Yanna: Pride Country

2. Andrew and Ry: Emeraldia

3. Star and Braxton: Minetopia

4. Choco and Chan: Almeria

5. Venn and Kelsey: Minecraftia

6. Stab and Poke: Lorien

7. Echo and Collin: The Republic of Demolition

8. Thomas and Glitch: The Federalist Republics of Pyolangi

9. Cheshire and Izzie: Navire

10. Sky and Blue: Sky Blue Republic

11. Dagger and Jay: Vaprid Realm

12. Leo and Dark: Deolark

13. Anna and Aj: Galastaria

14. -------

15. -------

Two teams did not send me their name.

Which means two teams (four people) were eliminated.

Both Sapphire and Tezara did not show up at all during the twelve hours. They were eliminated.


Tezara's Stats
Confessionals: 0
Missed Challenges: 1
Votes: 0
Country: None
Place: 30th


Sapphire's Stats
Confessionals: 0
Missed Challenges: 1
Votes: 0
Country: None
Place: 30th


Thanks for participating, Tezara and Sapphire!

The other team that did not send me their country's name was present during the announcement of the challenge. In fact, one of their confessionals hinted towards what they were going to name it.

But, they must have forgotten about it, or thought they had more time, because they both failed to send me their name before the time was up.

Ryder and Tensel were eliminated.


Ryder's Stats
Confessionals: 1
Missed Challenges: 1
Votes: 0
Country: None
Place: 28th


Tensel's Stats
Confessionals: 0
Missed Challenges: 1
Votes: 0
Country: None
Place: 28th


Thanks for participating, Ryder and Tensel!

Those two empty plots of land were nuked into elimination.

After the elimination, Glitch and Cheshire both decided to try to break the record for amount of confessionals in one challenge, which I didn't even know. They both succeeded.


Cheshire: 26
Glitch: 22
Andrew: 7
Echo: 6
Ry: 3
Anna: 2
Thomas: 2
Ryder: 1
Leo: 1
Collin: 1
Aj: 1


After the elimination, we learned that Echo is actually a boy and not a girl. I'm pretty sure 95% of us thought he was a girl.

Did you just assume thei--

We also learned that Collin and Andrew and some other unnamed people had been in an alliance, but had an argument. The alliance broke up already.

We also also learned that Ry and Andrew--who I partnered up because they both couldn't find a partner--are dating. That was the thing they didn't want me to know, but it was pretty obvious tbh. I'm not as oblivious as I seem.

Jk yes I am


Twenty six contestants remain

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Twenty six contestants remain. Two nukes have been fired. What more do I have in store for the delegates? Will more alliances form? Will more relationships bloom? And will Ry and Andrew's relationship get in the way of the competition? Find out next time, on The Radish Nations!

Meeting adjourned.

If you want to read some of the contestants' points of view on the comp(s), check out the reading list on my profile called "Kik Comps"!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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