[1] Challenge 11

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The final three contestants had to complete a Wattpad scavenger hunt. I gave them 20 things to find on Wattpad, and whoever found the most correctly got to choose who to take to the finale with them.

These are the things they had to find, with the answers in parentheses:

1. Todd's birthday (January 5 2001)
2. Thomas's other account (Bethany_beth)
3. The chapter of AMS with the longest comment chain (Chapter 74)
4. The date Todd reached 100 followers (December 17th, 2015)
5. Todd's collab account with Thomas and Drew (ThePhantomWriters)
6. Todd's only comment on "Minecraft: A Redemption" ("This is such a good book. Much better than mine, "A Minecraft Story")
7. Todd's first follower (MickeySoccer)
8. Todd and Thomas's collab total drama book (Total Drama All Stars 52)
9. The week Todd went to summer camp in 2015 (7/12-7/18)
10. Todd, thomas, and Kirai's collab account (Three_Ts)
11. The profile that gave Todd the idea for TDBT (XMrRusherJameMCX)
12. The two people Todd has muted (DWiz123 and LayomiO)
13. The date Thomas joined Wattpad (February 1st, 2015)
14. Todd's girlfriend's Wattpad (TriLight102)
15. The date Todd reached 500 followers (June 2, 2016)
16. The name of our first YouTube video ("Minecraft: BECAUSE LIFE IS DUMB!" or "Minecraft: PIZZA ALL OVER MY IPAD!") {we accepted two answers because reasons}
17. The profile that created Todd's background image (artsandstories6654)
18. The date Todd joined Wattpad (August 19, 2014)
19. Todd's older brother and older sister's names (Colin and Caroline)
20. Todd's little brother's Star Wars book ("Star Wars: On the Run")

All of these things could somehow be found through my profile.

The contestants also got two hints, one from Thomas, and one from me, that could be used on any two things to find.

The contestants seemed overwhelmed at first, but they did the scavenger hunt anyway.

Rebel and Yuri helped each other out on a few. Diamond said she had no idea how to find any of them.

In the end, Rebel and Yuri both got a score of 19.5, because they both got my older brother's name wrong. *coughYuricough*

Diamond, however, didn't finish in time. She said she only found one, (who made my background image), and pretty much gave up.

Therefore, Diamond was eliminated.

Diamond's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 0
Number of Missed Challenges: 3
Number of Votes for her: 0
Place: 3rd

Thanks for participating, Diamond!

Number of Confessionals for this Challenge:
None (rip)

We have our two finalists, Rebel and Yuri, the two friends.

Who are you rooting for?

Comment here for Rebel!

Comment here for Yuri!

What will happen next? Who will win this season? Find out next time on Radish's Total Drama Kik Competition!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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