[2] Elimination Order

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This is the order everyone was eliminated in Radish's School of Kik.

12th: Blue (2 Truths, 1 Lie)

11th: Venn (Guess the TDN Quote)

10th: Corey (All About Me Collages)

9th: Cyrus (Collage Quiz)

8th: Thomas (Guess the Block) {Alvin uses immunity idol)

~Dimitri and Hood join~

7th: Brian (Find the Comment)

6th: Hood (Make a Theme Song)

5th: Alvin (Find the School Supplies)

4th: Chan (Book Report)

3rd: Dimitri (Wattpad Scavenger Hunt)

2nd: David (Finals)

Winner: Choco

Again, go follow Choco_Gurl_19 for winning!

I will notify everyone through several books when signups for the next comp are, which will be in about a month.

Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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