[6] Challenge 1

308 19 120

Heroes (10): Stab, Kelsey, Andrew, Anna, Poke, Glitch, Ry, Leo, JT, Sky

Villains (10): Choco, Alvin, Cole, Thomas, Jimmie, Collin, Dark, Chess, Venn, Rebel


I forgot to mention this earlier. The winner of this season, like always, will win a shoutout from me in several places, a follow from me, and once again, something I still have not told any of the victors (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now let's begin.

In retrospect I probably should have started this chapter a long time ago. But here I am, writing it the day after the first challenge. Smh

The 20 Radish Stars were originally contacted about this season a little more than a month beforehand. Most of them readily agreed within a few days.

Corey was the first to decline. He deleted Kik, so I messaged him through Wattpad. He declined the invitation.

Andrew, who had been inactive through the end of season 4 and all of seasons 5, had become active again in other chats. By this time he had heard about Radish Stars, and wanted to join, but knew he probably wouldn't be invited. In my opinion, he was an all star for at least the beginning of season 4, so I invited him to take Corey's place. Andrew happily accepted.

Meanwhile, the Endventurers were mad at me for not inviting Kelsey to Radish Stars. I believe the 20 I had chosen stood out more than Kelsey, but the EV (especially Naomi and Venn) did not like this.

A few weeks after invitations were sent, Naomi declined the invitation. Kelsey was next on my waiting list, so I invited her. She accepted, and Naomi was happy that Kelsey got to take her place.

I also invited Aj, but his phone was 🅱️roke, so he declined. Instead, I turned to someone we haven't seen in awhile, but definitely qualifies as a Radish Star.


Unfortunately, Justice never replied. I would've loved to see him come back.

A few weeks before the season began, Aj messaged me saying he'd be getting a new phone. I told him if he got it before the season began, I'd let him join.

A few days later, Aj said he did not think he'd be getting the new phone in time. So, I turned to someone else who had become more active in other chats: Dark.

Dark accepted after some hesitation. The next day, Aj said he got a new phone, but it was too late. I had already given his spot away.

Sorry, Aj.

Also Stab wanted this confessional from a few weeks before the comp to be in the chapter:

"Confessional (1st confessional of the comp bi***es!) Anyways, I'm tired of coming third..... THE STAB LORD IS HERE TO COME THIRDDDDDDD"


Anyway, apparently drama began a few days after the invitations were sent out. I don't even know what it was about. Fortunately, the drama calmed down in the few weeks before the comp began (as far as I know).

Then I made the pre-comp chat.

I added the stars to the chat one by one. I don't remember what order I added them in, but I do remember that Rebel was added last for dramatic effect.

Some people already knew she was participating, though, so rip.

Anyway, some drama probably happened. I told the contestants there were no Radish Points or Rewards this season. Some of them were happy, some were not.

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