[2] Challenge 3

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Last time on Radish's School of Kik, I, the teacher, and Rebel, the assistant teacher, gave several quotes from "Total Drama Nether". The students had to guess which character said each quote, and guessing correctly earned them a point. The student with the most points won immunity, and that ended up being Thomas. The students voted, and Venn was expelled from Radish's School of Kik. But she swears to get revenge on the three who voted her off. What will I put the students through this time? Find out right now, on Radish's School of Kik!


The students received 48 hours on their school project, which was to create an "About Me" collage. Each collage had to have at least five pictures, their Wattpad username, the name they go by, and a quote from them.

I do not remember the order that the students gave me their collages because I am a bad teacher, but I do know that all eight students turned one in.

I am not going to put the collages in this book because of personal info, but just assume they were all very good and all made on an app called PicCollage (I think).

Anyway, after much consideration, Rebel and I decided that David had the best collage, winning himself immunity.

The rest of the contestants had twelve hours to vote, and all but Chan voted.

At some point before some people had voted, Corey decided to privately gloat to Thomas that Thomas was going to be eliminated, because "four" people had voted him. He also said that Thomas was too good in the comp, and had to be eliminated.

Thomas, however, decided to make that public, and sent several screenshots to the rest of the students.

Corey openly admitted he voted Thomas out, but would not disclose who else did.

Anyway, there was some growing tension between Thomas and Corey, so naturally, the votes came down to those two.

Seven out of the eight students voted (sigh Chan). One person had three votes, and the other had four.

But who had four, you ask?


So Corey was expelled from Radish's School of Kik.


Corey's Stats

Number of Confessionals: 2

Number of Missed Challenges: 0

Number of Votes for him: 4


Thanks for participating, Corey!

Corey refused to admit he was eliminated, though. He denied that he had four votes, believing that Thomas did. I told him I did my math right, but he still didn't believe me.

Corey also accused me of lying about the number of votes because "Thomas is my friend".

It is true that he is my friend, yes, but I would not, and am not, rigging the competition for him. (I actually want him to lose lmao)

Corey still didn't believe me, though.

So, I made the votes public for once.

Corey voted Thomas.

Alvin voted Thomas.

Cyrus voted Thomas.

Thomas voted Corey.

David voted Corey.

Brian voted Corey.

Choco voted Corey.

Corey immediately got angry with Choco, who apparently had told Alvin that she was voting Thomas off. If she had, Thomas would have been eliminated.

But she voted Corey instead, causing him to be eliminated.

Before I removed him, Corey called me a very mean word.

If he hadn't been expelled, I would have given him detention.


Number of Confessionals This Challenge

Choco: 4

Corey: 1

Thomas: 1

Cyrus: 1

?????: 1


Wondering about the ?'s, are ya? Me too.

At some point before the 48 hours for the challenge was over, I received a very ominous confessional from someone I had never seen before.

At some point before the 48 hours for the challenge was over, I received a very ominous confessional from someone I had never seen before

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There are several theories going around about who that is, (some which are ridiculous), but nobody knows anything for sure.

I don't even know who it is.

So this should be interesting.

So this should be interesting

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Seven remain. What more do I have in store for the students? Have any alliances formed? Who exactly is this Dimitri guy? What are his plans? (Maybe) find out next time, on Radish's School of Kik!

Class dismissed!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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