[7] Challenge 17

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Last time on The Radish Reunion Comp, we hosted a speed challenge on trivia based on the rides in Radish World. Glitch won the first round by a landslide and chose Anna to have immunity with him, and Sky won the second round and chose Kidd to have immunity as well. In an almost unanimous vote, Ryan was eliminated, and there was nothing to save him this time. What will happen today? Find out right now, on The Radish Reunion Comp!


Remaining Competitors (12): Alvin, Andrew, Anna, Collin, Ender, Fall, Glitch, Kidd, Luna, Poke, Rymle, Sky


We spun the wheels. Fall spun the wheel of fortune and gained a vote turnaround, and Anna spun the wheel of misfortune and lost five Radish Points.

We then gave a big announcement: it was twist time. The foreseeable future blah blah blah basically we put them into teams again. But this time they are teams of two, which means they are partners. The duos would have to work together to complete challenges and earn immunities for the foreseeable future. There will not be double eliminations like in season 4, though. The new teams are:

Team 1: Alvin & Sky
Team 2: Andrew & Poke
Team 3: Anna & Glitch
Team 4: Collin & Rymle
Team 5: Ender & Kidd
Team 6: Fall & Luna

The contestants...gave pretty much no reaction to this announcement. Fall said "nice" and Ender said "rigged" and that was it. These guys are lame. (actually, a lot of them reacted privately but I can't share those reactions ☹️)

Anyway, their first challenge as partners was to create a name for their duo and a picture. Yes, we've done this challenge twice already this season. But this time we made it a bit different.

Their picture had to be a "campaign poster" for the two of them to become the next cohosts (they wouldn't actually become cohosts). It also had to include their team color and something that represents the two of them.

Damn I forgot to write what the teams discussed as they happened. I guess I'll go back and look at what everyone did. But I'll do it tomorrow.

Hi. It's tomorrow.

Alvin and Sky began discussing different names related to the color pink, since that was their color. Alvin came up with the idea to copy the Doja Cat album cover "Hot Pink" but draw Radish Chan instead. Sky loved the idea, and Alvin immediately began drawing. He finished their poster more than 24 hours before the deadline, but Sky was asleep when he finished. Alvin patiently (or impatiently) waited for Sky to wake up and give feedback before he submitted. Sky woke up and said it was amazing, so Alvin submitted.

Andrew asked Poke if he had any ideas, but Poke didn't answer for at least twelve hours, which was a bit worrying for Andrew. But Poke eventually showed up and apologized, saying he was at a cabin with no service. The two of them got to work discussing their submission immediately. They agreed that their name had to include "Fuckboys" since the two of them were in the Fuckboys and they knew I'd love that. Andrew said he had to draw their poster that night because it was his only night off from the summer camp he works at that week. After some more discussion, they came up with the idea to make their poster look like a Broadway playbill. Andrew drew it by hand, and Poke really liked it. Andrew said it was shit compared to the others that had already been submitted (Alvin/Sky's and Luna/Fall's), but they submitted anyway.

Anna and Glitch began discussing lots of ideas for their poster and name. They settled on the name "eRRR," which stands for The Empirically Rebuilding the Radish Republic Party. Anna said she would draw, and Glitch gave her lots of support and ideas. However, Anna began struggling with making her own avatar in the poster look right, and eventually decided to just draw a sign with her name on it. She finally finished their poster with only a few hours left before the deadline, and submitted it.

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