Chapter One : Ready To Rumble?

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this book contains lots of violence and 18+ mature content, and domination. All rights reserved. Anything that is copied in any form will be taken up to Wattpad.

Disclaimer for any first time readers: I wrote this book years ago when I was 16 and mentally unstable. There are parts in this book (apart from the terrible writing) that I'm not proud of. I have grown a ton as a writer now that I want to pursue it professionally. Keep in mind that when I wrote this it was merely for fun and a hobby. I hope you'll bare with 16 year old me and find still find some fun in the story. 

Much love. 


"Hi, Yas" I greet one of my best friends.

She turns around and smiles at me. Yasmin and I have always been friends but we got distant with each other when she moved to New York. When she found out I moved to New York as well we got close again, and I love that we did.

"Did you know that Lisa just got divorced?" She says. Lisa is our boss, I thought she was in a happy marriage but I guess not.

"What?!" I say surprised followed by a laugh as I take off my jacket and put my bag behind the counter. I don't like Lisa at all, always trying to be perfect for everyone and it has gotten to the point where she can't accept everyone else around her being a mess. It's exhausting, of course going through a divorce is hard but I can't help but laugh because she has tried to put up a front all this time.

"Yea, apparently Nick cheated on her with her sister," She says. My eyes widen and my mouth falls open. The little respect he has for her!

"No way!" I gasp. She nods and wants to say something but stops herself when the door opens and Lisa walks in.

"Girls," She simply says. She looks like she hasn't slept in days. I feel kind of bad for her. she looks like trash. Her hair is messy she's huge bags underneath her eyes, and it looks like she slept in her makeup.

"Sorry about what happened Lisa, we heard," Yasmin says with a tad bit of shade behind her smile.

"Yes, thank you. Why don't you girls get in your uniforms, we have a busy day today because we're closing early," She says. We're most likely closing early because she is going through a hard time, I think we need to give her some slack.

I put on my uniform and when I walk back out I see Yasmin grin evil. Oh no...

"What now?" I sigh, Yasmin grinning means either trouble or embarrassment about to hit me.

"You and I young lady, are going to see Dante kickboxing tonight in The Beast, VIP aka the front section might I add," She says.

The Beast is an exclusive kickboxing arena. Dante is an asshole, I hate him. He is so annoying and arrogant. He thinks just because he runs New York that every girl will just drop on their knees for him.'s true, they do, but the stories I heard about him and this girl when I just moved here are insane.

"Absolutely not," I laugh and wipe the bar. "You know how much I hate him."

"Come on! I covered your shift last week and you said you owed me one," She says and looks at me with a begging expression. I give her a death glare and she smiles because she got what she wanted.

"Whatever, but don't expect me to enjoy myself," I say warning her. "How did you get us in anyway? Isn't that place so hard to get into, especially VIP?"

"I'm kind of..." She says but cuts herself off. I look at her confused waiting for an answer. "Well, I'm kind of hooking up with the owner, Xavier." She says waiting for my judgment.

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