Chapter ten : Betrayal.

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I wake up and I hear someone coming into the room. I open my eyes and I don't recognize this place at all. I look out of the big windows and see lots of trees. It's still night since it's dark outside. Where the fuck am I? I see Dante walking in.

"Where are we? Is this your house?" I ask him. It's dark so I can barely see him so he turns on the light. He wears nothing but grey sweatpants. He is muscular and is covered in tattoos on his abs. Hot...

"Pictures last longer you know?" He then says and I realize I was staring at his abs all this time. I look up into his eyes and blush so I look away again. He now gets in bed with me and I frown.

"Where are we?" I ask again.

"My house, someone broke in your house and graffitied on the wall so I took you here," He says. My mouth falls right open. Someone broke into my house?!

"W-what? What did they take? I don't..."

"Relax Maya. It's going to be okay, they didn't take anything. All they did was write something," He says and holds my hands to stop them from shaking.

I panic and ask, "What did they write?".

He shows me a picture of my wall. "you're living in a life of lies," And next to it there is a butterfly drawn on the wall. I know immediately who did this. This is Sophie's doing. When we were little we used to pretend we were butterflies and now she's gone mad. I sigh and hold my head in my hands. I feel awful about everything with her.

"It's fine Maya. You just need to stay here or at Yasmin's for a little while until things with her calm down," He tells me. He grabs my hips and pulls me in close. He looks at me, then looks at my lips, and then looks back at me.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I don't need sex from you which with other girls was all I wanted from them, I'm fine with just hanging out with you. I don't need much more and besides you stopped judging the way I live," He says and I smile.

I know that it is weird for him to say these types of things because he really isn't the romantic type so I appreciate it. He pulls me in closer, I put my hands in front of me against his chest

"Don't get me wrong, you keep giving fucking boners so I can't wait until one day you're mine and I'll fuck you like a whore," He says and to my surprise, he sounds and looks serious. I widen my eyes and he laughs.

"What are you laughing at?" I chuckle.

"Because I know you want that. But I'm also debating whether I should punish you for calling me a slut and a man-whore," He says and I look down blushing. He grabs my chin forcing me to look up.

"I think I should," He says and licks his lips.

"Just because I told you the truth? I mean you kind of act like a slut around me..." I say and I want to laugh but within a second he's on top of me which makes me gasp soft.

He kisses me and I don't hesitate to kiss him back. The kiss gets heated pretty quickly and he takes off my dress that I'm still wearing and he scans my body.

"You're so fucking beautiful," He says.

He takes off my bra and I'm left in just my thong. He licks and flicks my nipple and it makes me inhale deep.

He smirks and leaves a trail of kisses down my body. I'm so wet right now and I feel like I just need him. He rips off my thong and I gasp, he's aggressive. He doesn't waste a second and his tongue comes in contact with my clit immediately which causes me to moan loud. He eats me out like a fucking beast and I arch my back and my eyes roll back in my head. Oh my goodness this feels good...

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