Chapter thirty one : Masquerade ball.

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I enter the building alone and it looks perfect. Just like I imagined it would be. Dante said that we would meet me here since he is ready faster than I am, plus he had some business to take care of. I decided not to ask any further questions since he didn't tell me about it. When my eyes scan the room it causes an automatic smile to spread across my face. I can't help but be a little proud of myself, I worked hard for this. Making sure everything was perfect, and yes it, cost me some stress but now that I look at the results, it was all worth it.

Then I see him. My beautiful Dante, so handsome in his black suit with a matching black mask. He laughs with Elijah, who now sees me, and tilts his head towards me signing for Dante to look in my direction.

When he turns around and his eyes meet mine, he stands still for a moment. He walks towards
me and takes my hands. He kisses the palm of my hand before looking back into my eyes through the black mask I am wearing. My dress is red and it's big— like everyone else's. Every woman is wearing a big dress with an elegant mask to match.

"You look absolutely stunning, my love," He compliments me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. My heart flutters when he does, like always. He still makes me nervous and shy despite the moments where I talk back and don't care.

"You don't look so bad yourself, my love" I compliment him.

"May I take this dance?" He asks and I smile.
I like how formal he is.

"You may, mister Lacoste" I respond and we now walk hand in hand heading towards the dance floor, which is the biggest part of the room.

The castle looks beautiful, my red dress stands out in it which is why I picked the color
red in the first place. Everyone is sitting down at their assigned tables but we don't care. Dante twirls me around once before pulling me back close to him. He places his hand on my lower back and with his other hand, he takes my hand— my other hand resting on his shoulder.

We dance and are perfectly in sync with each other. I feel everyone's eyes on us while the music plays in the background but I don't care, all I care about is the man in front of
me— who is holding me right now.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He now asks
me. I ignore his question by giving him a kiss. I now notice more people getting on the dance floor and dancing with the date that they brought.

An hour passes by and now we are at our assigned table. Hailey is sitting next to me and I'm really debating whether I should tell her now, I know that it's important but then again this might not be the best time.

"are you okay?" Dante now asks me, noticing that something is on my mind.

"I was just debating whether I should tell her about Mateo," I tell him.

"I think you should. I know we're at a ball right now but the sooner you tell her the easier it is, besides she would want to meet him" he shares his opinion and I nod. I think he's right.

I tap on Hailey's shoulder and she turns her head to me. I signal her to talk in private. We both get up and walk away from everyone.

"What's up?" She asks and crosses her arms. I sigh before I speak as I need some time to think about how am I going to tell her.

"A couple of days ago, I went to a potential house for Yasmin and I met someone..." I begin and now she frowns.

"Why do I..."

"That person ended up being our half-brother" I cut her off and now her facial expression changes to shocked.

"What?!" She asks shocked and I completely understand her reaction, as mine was about the same.

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