Chapter forty eight : Family is everything.

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With my heart beating rapidly, I read the words. They are written in Spanish. The letter was sent from Ponce, my hometown in Puerto Rico. I have been there once when I was little with my father. One year before he left, we visited family. My eyes scan the letters.

Maya, mi querida nieta. Han pasado años desde que los he visto por última vez. Su padre y yo hicimos un trato que esta información le llevaría, pero usted tiene el derecho de saber. Tu madre no es la mujer a la que pensaste que ella era toda tu vida. Usted no es su hijo biológico, mi querido. Esto puede ser muy chocante, así que si desea más información, visítenos, por favor. Si usted no confía en esta carta, asegúrese de que su padre sepa acerca de esto, él confesará. Espero verlos de nuevo pronto, te amamos

"Maya, what is in that letter," I hear Dante ask me.

"Uhm. . ." I start. "It says uhm. . . Maya, my dear granddaughter. It has been years since I have last seen you. Your father and I made a deal that this information would lead to you but you have the right to know. Your mother isn't the woman who you thought she was your entire life. You aren't her biological child, my dear. This may be very shocking, so if you want more information, visit us, please. If you don't trust this letter, make sure that your father knows about this, he'll confess. I hope to see you again soon, we love you."

"Wow," I hear Dante say. I can tell that he is speechless. "Do you think it is real?"

I check the envelope and see a picture in it. It's a picture of me and my father and my grandmother. She wouldn't lie about something like this would she? I don't know her well. I need to find a way to see my father. I'll call Mateo.

"It has to be, right?" I ask. "I mean, this is so out of the blue."

"Not really, I mean, Leah was just born and I think your father knows," Dante says. "What if your grandmother found out?"

"That is crazy," I say and chuckle.

"Not crazy enough for our lives," he responds, causing me to chuckle again.

I sigh deeply, "When I thought the drama was over, here it is again,"

"Maya?" Dante asks. I hum. "My mother asked me if you want to baptize Leah. Would you be open to that?"

"Of course, I want to baptize her," I respond. "I've been wanting that ever since I found out I was having her."

"How'd you know I'd agree," He asks causing me to chuckle. I play with Leah's finger as I answer.

"Dante, you might be all stubborn and powerful to the people of New York, but to me, you can barely say no," I tell him.

"Oh yeah?" He says. "Watch me say no the next time you ask me."

"You sure about that?" I ask. He hums.

"Alright, my next question was going to be if you wanted to have sex but I guess I already know..." I say but then he suddenly reaches for my inner thighs. "Hey! Baby on my belly over here."

I quickly stand up before he can make any moves. I chuckle when he gets up. "You're not chasing me, Dante," I chuckle.

"No? You sure about that?" He asks.

"Stop," I warn him chuckling. "Dante, don't. . ."

But of course, he starts chasing after me. I don't get far since running with a baby isn't smart. He wraps his big arms around me and gives me kisses on my neck.


"You have to get the baby shampoo," I tell Dante. We're in the bathroom, washing Leah in the bath. It's a few hours later. Dante hands me the right Shampoo. I hear buzzing and when I look back I see that Dante picks up his phone. I turn my head towards Leah again and start washing her hair. I love her so much, it drives me insane. I can't wait to give her the life she deserves. I already love being a mother.

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