Chapter twenty-one : A reminder.

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"She's not coming near you" I say sternly. If I find out that whore comes near Dante I'll fucking kill her. I feel my anger rising.

"I'm gonna have to talk to her," He laughs and towers over me and kisses me. "She won't try anything."

"I know she won't. I'll slice her fucking throat open if she does," I say and smile through my anger as he raises his eyebrow. He thinks it's a joke but I'm actually serious I will fucking cut her throat out if she tries anything.

"What? You think I wouldn't?" I ask him. He licks his lips, clearly finding it hot. I now get up out of the bed too and go into the bathroom to change into sweats and a crop top.

"Oh, I know you would. It's just a shame you won't be seeing her," He says when I get back into the bedroom.

"I want to see her Dante," I tell him and cross my arms as I stand in front of him making sure he knows it's not up for discussion.

"You can want to see her, but you won't," He says firing back, making sure I know it's not up for discussion.


"Maya, don't turn this into a fight. Hope tried to kill you..."

"Yes, and so I have the right to see her. She thinks I'm weak, I'll let her know I'm not," I point out. She already thinks I'm weak after she threatened to kill me I need to know let her know that I'm not weak like she thinks I am. If I'm gonna be continuing to date Dante I need to make sure I'm not as weak as I was before.

"Maya, she's dangerous," He tries to assure me. I know she is dangerous but I don't care.

"Then you'll be there for protection. Please?" I ask him. He sighs and rubs his head in his hands.

"Woman, you have me fucking pussy whipped," He surrenders annoyed. I laugh, I don't mind that he is. I have noticed some changes in him since we met, but not too much. He can still be cold around other people. He is sweet around me, but when I get too cocky with the fact that I know he's sweet on me, he'll let me know he isn't just sweet.

"Thank you, baby," I call him baby for the first time and I give him a kiss.

"But you won't see her soon. That is not up for discussion," He says sternly and I nod smiling. I'm okay with that as long I get to see her eventually.

"Now, did you just really call me baby?" He says as he smirks. I roll my eyes laughing, of course, he has to make a big deal out of it. His hand goes in my sweatpants and smacks my ass hard making me gasp.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, darling. I'll still bend you over and punish you," He says with a threatening tone. I smirk.

"Do it," I say smirking. I've gotten so confident with myself around him, and I love provoking him. Especially since it usually ends with sex.

"You're punishment shouldn't be something you enjoy," He says and now he's the one that smirks as mine disappears. No, I don't like the punishments but he fucks me good after and that's what I look forward to.

"Dick," I mumble jokingly and now he throws me on the bed. Shit. He flips me over roughly so that now I'm laying on my stomach causing me to gasp hard. He takes off my sweatpants and forces two fingers inside of me fast which makes me moan loud. As he keeps thrusting his fingers against my spot, and he smacks my ass hard. My moans are now being mixed with painful whimpers. This is so hot, I don't have a pain kink but the pleasure being mixed in with makes me think I do. This is such a turn-on.

"I'm a dick right?" He says and I feel like rolling my eyes but I don't take it into action. I'm already being spanked, I don't need him to use his belt on me. That would be hell.

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