Chapter twenty seven : Uno reverse.

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She's been fucking cockblocking me for a whole week now. She keeps telling me she isn't in the mood or she has plans, any excuse to not let me fuck her. I can't even freaking touch her, and I need to. Have you seen how beautiful and sexy this girl is? How is she letting me not touch her? it's freaking torture. My father heard about me punishing her whenever she gives me an attitude but he honestly already forgot because he simply has better things to keep in mind.

I walk through the casino with a toothpick in my mouth, chewing on it hard to refrain myself from beating everyone up that speaks to me here. I walk as fast as possible because I want to have this over with. I told Maya I had a meeting, but I'll see her because she is in the middle of planning. She has been planning this masquerade ball every day for the past week, making it easier for her to avoid me. I want to touch her so fucking bad, squeeze that ass of hers, spank it and make it red, making her moan in my ear as I fuck her, pleasuring her while smacking her ass because I know she loves that combination, and most important of all kiss her beautiful plump lips.

It used to be all sexual with girls for me, but that's not it for me anymore. I can kiss her beautiful lips and my stress already disappears for a while. She is my drug and we both know that. I still hate the fact that I hurt her. I'm not going to get over that.

I open the door that leads to the downstairs and walk downstairs to the basement where we keep all of our enemies or people who haven't paid off their debts. In my mafia, we have four rules. The first one is, no children or innocent women involved, the second one is, once you're marked, you're marked for life and the only way out is death, The third one is, if you've been seen with cops more than once you're out and the last one is, all members must live by a code of respect, honor, integrity, loyalty and brotherhood amongst each other.

While walking with three of my best men, Enrico, Giuseppe, and Lorenzo past the cells people scream, cuss me out, threaten me. I all ignore them until someone dares to talk about Maya.

"I can't wait to rape that sweet little girl of yours," He hisses. I stop immediately as I feel my anger rise and everything mutes but those words. I don't hear anyone else scream and yell anymore. I slowly turn around and walk back to the cell that those words came from. I replace my toothpick and throw the old one somewhere on the floor. I tilt my head slides when I turn around the corner and see whoever dared to say that.

Shaun Carrington. Fucking Shaun Carrington, a alcohol junkie that made the big mistake of attacking one of my men in an alley. From the back, and very quietly with a knife in his back last week. Obviously, my guy responded quickly and brought him in.

I glare at him grab my gun and aim at his head. His facial expression changes as I expected. Big talk, but weak when it comes to a bullet.

"You wanna repeat that?" I ask him with a threatening tone in my voice wondering if he has the guts to. He stutters over his words.

"I-I-I-I," I mock him. "Speak, you fucking coward."

"I would. I don't have anything left anyway, what do I have to lose. I would make her moan so good," He says.

I lick my lips while laughing.

"You? you would make her moan good?" I chuckle. I get into the cell and press the gun onto his head and push making him walk backwards, until he hits the wall. He chokes up and his lip starts shaking.

"I make her beg for it and screaming in pleasure, you pussy," I hiss and shoot the bullet right through his head. His soul disappears out of his eyes, confirming his death. I lick my lips annoyed. He was on his deathbed anyway, he attacked on of my men. He just happened to talk about my beautiful girlfriend like that.

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