Chapter seven : All you gotta do is ask.

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"I-I..." I stutter just taken aback.

"What is his problem?" Yasmin now asks confused.

"I have no idea, anyway uhm I just wanted to tell you real quick..."

"Maya, let's go!" Dante now says from his car.

"Yasmin will drive me home. Just go I'll see you later!" I tell him. He gets in and slams the door aggressively and speeds off. We get inside and we sit at the kitchen island.

"So, what I wanted to tell you was I took the job opportunity," I tell her.

She smiles "Love that for you. Again, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner," She tells me.

"It's fine Yasmin I understand," I tell her and we smile. She always tells me everything so I really don't mind.

"So, since when are you and Dante so buddy-buddy with each other," She now changes the subject.

"Well since his obsessive ex-girlfriend threatened to kill me with a knife and a gun pressed against me," I tell her and show her my wound. Her eyes widen.

"What the fuck!" She says with a raised voice. I look at her and laugh.

"He arrived a little while after she left and he laid next to me while I was sleeping. And then shit went down," I say and sigh. She looks at me confused and I tell her my dream which leaves her mouth open and speechless.

" you have feelings for him?" She asks me. I get why she comes from with that but it was just a dream of anyone.

"No, that's the thing. I don't, and it's just so weird," I tell her and she nods.

"Anyway, enough about me. When did you guys start going on dates?" I ask her. They do look cute together and she seems happy.

"We're just taking it slow since he hasn't been in love in a while. But, a couple of days ago he asked me out and I said yes," She tells me and I smile. I'm so glad she's happy.

"I'll talk to Dante for you. You know how I like pissing him off so him getting mad isn't a problem," I tell her and we laugh.

After a couple of hours, I arrive back at my apartment. I walk in and I see Dante sitting on my couch.

"How did you get in here?" I ask him. This man is so weird sometimes. I just place my keys in a bowl and hang up my jacket.

"You have a key under your doormat. It's like you're asking to get robbed," He sighs deeply.

"Okay," I just say awkwardly and walk into my kitchen to grab something to eat since it's around dinner time. I'm starving but when I look in the fridge I only see an apple, bread, a jar of pickles, and a can of soda. I sigh and grab the apple.

"That's one hell of a full fridge you got there," I hear Dante say and I turn around and see him leaning against my dining table.

I laugh and roll my eyes. I never made much as a bartender and the last money I got I had to spend on rent so I'm a little tight right now.

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