Chapter Three : Provoking him.

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It's Sunday today and it's been two days since I've been to Dante's fight, luckily I haven't seen him after which I find amazing actually. His arrogance annoys me.

I'm about to walk home when Sophie calls. Sophie is my childhood friend who lives right outside of New York.

"Hey, Soph," I just say wondering why she called.

"Hey, do you have time to talk? It's pretty serious" She says.

"Yeah sure, I'm just walking home from work. Can you come pick me up maybe?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure. Send me your location" She says and I send her my location.

"Alright, I'll see you in a minute," I tell her and she says goodbye. I wonder what she has to talk about. She's never this serious. She is kind of like Yasmin but, sometimes she acts a bit weird. Like, creepy weird not funny weird.

After a while, she drives up to me and I get in the car. I look at her waiting for her to speak. I'm not gonna have small talk because I'm curious.

"Ok so, I've been really nervous to tell you this but I don't want there to be secrets between us you know?" She starts. I can tell she's really nervous so I just wait patiently.

"Yea," I nod.

"Uhm...I've known this for a while and uhm, I'm gay," She says. I raise my eyebrows as I'm surprised. The thought of her being gay crossed my mind before but I didn't think much of it.

"How long have you known this?" I ask her. She is surprised I'm asking her this.

"Well...about two years," She says.

"What?! And you've never told me!" I now say with a raised voice and laugh.

"Well, I didn't know how you'd react," She laughs.

"Well, who made you realize?!" I ask her curiously. I want to know who the girl is that made her realize she is gay.

" actually," She says and now looks at me. My mouth falls wide open as I did not expect this at all. Me? She has a crush on me?!

"I know you're freaking out right now, and I know you're not gay but we could be happy Maya," She says, and tears now grow in her eyes.

"Sophie, I'm not gay. I'm happy that you finally found the courage to tell me but I don't feel the same I'm sorry" I tell her and look at my hands. I do feel bad for her because I don't think she is willing to accept it.

She grabs my hands and looks at me.


"Maya please, give us a chance. I know deep down you feel the same," She says and tears grow in her eyes. I know she'd never push it too far but she's being weird.

"Sophie I don't feel the same, again I feel so happy for you..."

"Why not! Do you know how hard it was for me to see you with Tyler?! It was torture, I cried myself to sleep every day for months. And now, finally, I can tell you and you say no?!" She all of a sudden snaps at me now.

"Sophie you're scaring me stop it..."

"No! I know you feel the same! I love you," She cuts me off again and tears are falling down her face at this point.

"I love you too but not like you want to," I tell her. I love her but not romantically, I hate to see her hurt but she knows I'm only into boys.

"You have to, I know you do," She says and now leans in to kiss me. I push her away "Sophie stop it!"

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