Chapter forty nine : Every unanswered question.

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The moment I have been waiting for. It's here. I never thought I'd meet my father again. If it weren't for the pictures that Mateo showed me, I wouldn't even recognize him anymore. I have not seen him in so long. For eighteen years, he's been gone. And now, I'm twenty-two.

The moment I have been waiting for. It's here. I never thought I'd meet my father again. If it weren't for the pictures that Mateo showed me, I wouldn't even recognize him anymore. I have not seen him in so long. For eighteen years, he's been gone. And now, I'm twenty-two.

Standing here in front of the door. The door that leads to his house. The house that he has been living in ever since he left us. The house looks nice. No one would expect a broken family to leave in here. But of course, it isn't a broken home. Unlike my old house. It looks horrible. Broken window, chipped off paint, dried out grass. But not here.

The house was freshly white. Beautiful tall window. Grass so green. I'm jealous of it, I hate him for what he did, and what he hid. He could've prevented the bad relationship I had with my mother—I mean, Lindsey.

"Let's go," I hear Dante's voice snap me back into reality. My thoughts of my old house disappear quickly when he places his hand on my back.

I take a breath before I knock on the door, to my surprise Mateo opens the door.

"Come in," He says. He lets us in. The hallway leads to the kitchen which is straight ahead and the living room is on our left. It looks so different compared to what he left us in.

"It's alright, we won't be here long," I hear Dante tell me in my ear and he gives me a kiss on my temple. My heart is a little less heavy on my lungs now, knowing he understands what I'm feeling right now is really nice.

Then I see him, on the couch. His face is turned towards me. The room falls still. We both don't speak. He hasn't changed at all. Just wrinkles on his forehead and under his eyes. But he looks good.

"Maya—I. . ."

But I cut him off, "I just want the papers dad,"

I can't look at him, I look at the corner next to the couch that he is sitting on. I can't make eye contact. I'm not here to find answers as to why he left, I just need to search for my family.

"Can we please talk first?" He asks.

"No. I'm here for your confession and I want to know where they are," I say. "They didn't leave it in the note."

It doesn't sound like that but it's hard for me. Of course, I have questions. I'm just not sure if I'll like the answers.

"Let us talk in private, without him here," He says. I arch my eyebrow.

"Dante?" I ask him. "Oh absolutely not. You don't have the fucking right to judge or act all high. So anything you have to say, you can say in front of him as well."

"I'm sorry," He apologizes. But I know he isn't apologizing for Dante. "I knew that I couldn't stay. I was an addict and I needed to recover."

"Oh no I get it," I say heavily sarcastic. "Because of course, it takes that long that you can get a whole new family and raise your new kids right?"

"Maya. . ."

"And even when you saw me," I cut him off. "After all of those years, you decided to run away, again."

I try not to sound hurt but I fail.

"I knew that you didn't need me anymore. You never did, you loved me but you didn't need me and that's how I knew that you were going to be okay," he tries.

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