Chapter fourteen : Lasagna.

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I'm putting the plates on the table when I hear someone walk into the house. I went to Dante's house after therapy immediately and he was already gone, so I started making his grandma's lasagna. It smells delicious and I really hope he likes it. Even though it smells so good I'm never making this again because this was so hard. His grandma has too much time on her hands. Usually lasagna is easy but not this one.

I bend down to see if the lasagna is ready and when I come back up I see Dante leaning against the kitchen island with his back facing me so he doesn't see me. He looks so sexy, he's wearing grey sweatpants again and a white tanktop showing off his big muscles and tattoos.

"Dinner is ready," I say and he turns around quickly because he's startled. I chuckle and when he sees me he frowns.

"What are you doing here? How'd you even get in?" He says chuckles deep.

"I have my ways," I mock his words from back when he broke into my apartment. He chuckles.

"Anyway, dinner is ready dear," I say jokingly, mocking the basic 50s movie line. He laughs and walks around the island towards me and looks in the oven.

"Hmm...lasagna," He says with a thick Italian accent that he usually suppresses when he speaks. I get the lasagna out of the oven.

"Your grandmother's recipe," I say and by the way he looks I can tell he's hungry so I put some on a plate for him and he takes a bite immediately. He moans not caring that it's burning hot and I giggle.

"This is so good," He says and keeps eating. I get some for myself and sit on the kitchen island. Dante now sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap and puts my lasagna on his plate too. I frown at him first but he just ignores it so I just start eating off of his plate.

"How did you get my grandmother's recipe?" He now asks and squeezes my waist lightly. I chuckle.

"I'm a mysterious woman Dante, I have to keep some secrets between us," I say jokingly and now he chuckles too.

"I have a boxing match tomorrow, wanna come?" He says and I nod. I haven't seen him box since the night we met so I think it'll be fun. I love it when he's aggressive.

"Good," He says and moves his hand to my inner thigh causing me to have chills down my spine.

"Dante, can I ask you something?" I ask him.

"That's already a question," He says and I chuckle while rolling my eyes, luckily he doesn't see since my back is facing him. "Go ahead, ask."

"What would you do if I'd date other men?" I ask him kind of nervous about his reaction.

"Kill him and spank your ass until it's purple," He answers and now I turn around to see if he's joking, but he looks at me with a serious face and his eyebrow raised.

"You can't kill everyone I go out with," I laugh.

"Yes I can, and I will," He says and eats.

"Technically I can go out with everyone I want, you don't own me," I tell him and chuckle. A moment of silence happens and the only thing you can hear is the forks and the breathing. I like a little silence.

"So be mine," He now says all of a sudden and my heart skips a beat. I now turn around and he looks at me seriously.

"Are you seriously asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask him jokingly. He can't be serious, can he?

"Of course I am," He says and takes a bite of his food.

"Dante, I can't be yours," I say and laugh before I turn back around.

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