Chapter eight : Fish and steak.

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I wake up and check my phone to see the time which says 5:50 a.m. I yawn and the dream from yesterday is still stuck in my head. I really hope he forgot about it.

I get ready and put on a simple outfit. I make some yogurt for breakfast. My fridge is packed with food and drinks. I'm really grateful for what Dante did. He has a sweet side, he just doesn't show it very often. I just watch some tv and after a while, I get a call from Dante.

"I'm downstairs, are you ready?" He asks me.

"Yea, I'll be right down," I tell him and hang up.

I turn off my tv and get my bag. I walk downstairs I see his car parked and I get in.

"Hi," I greet him. He is wearing a black suit and he looks really handsome in it I'm not going to lie.

"Hey," He just says and starts driving.

"I forgot to ask, what did you dream about yesterday?" He asks. Shit, he didn't forget. I don't want to tell him because he's going to make a big deal out of it.

"You're going to make a big deal out of it Dante," I assure him chuckling.

"I promise you I won't," He promises me and now he grabs my thigh and squeezes it.

"Alright fine. I dreamed that Hope tried to kill me but you came and so instead of killing me..she shot you," I tell him and he looks at me shortly before focussing back on the road.

"Then what?" He asks me. I'm surprised he shows interest.

"After she ran away I-," I say but stop myself. The dream was insane and I don't know what it means. He looks at me again shortly.

"I held you in my arms and I cried, begging you not to leave me. You told me it was okay but I said it wasn't, because we haven't had our story yet. Then I-I told you I loved you and you died," I just tell him everything. Dante doesn't respond for a while so I look at him.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" I ask him nervous about his reaction.

"You told me you loved me? it's just hard to believe," He chuckles in disbelief and I chuckle.

"I guess so but it was just a dream," I point out and shrug. I still don't know why I had it, dreams usually have a meaning, especially one like this, but I really have no idea what this one could mean.

"Is that why you were crying so hysterically?" He asks me. I remember that he woke me up from that nightmare. He saw me crying in my sleep, I just didn't know I was crying that bad.

"I think so, in the dream I was balling my eyes out," I say and we laugh.

"You loveee me," He says cocky and moves his hand further up and I raise my eyebrow and look at him and he simply smirks.

"You wish I did," I tell him and I smirk and he just chuckles and I just decide to leave his hand alone for once. The way I look at him changed yesterday after what he told me. Our relationship somehow has changed pretty quickly after what happened with me and Hope.

"The Americans just finished meeting with the Chinese mafia today. Could you plan a party?" He asks me and looks at me shortly before looking at the road again.

"Yea, just give me a theme,"

"You handle that, just make sure it's not childish. I want to be taken seriously," I nod.

"So, you guys are going with my plan?" I ask him and when I look at him he nods.

"Do you still hate the fact that I'm in the mafia?" He asks.

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