Chapter thirteen : Admitting to it.

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It's Monday afternoon today and I'm on my way to work. Luckily Dante left me alone this weekend like I wanted to. It's been a very peaceful weekend and I painted over the graffiti on my wall. I gave it a new color. It's light gray and I love it, it's slightly different from my white walls. Gives it a different vibe.

I get into work and I greet Lisa. I hang up my jacket and my bag. I work part-time now since I'm also working for Dante. I get in the back of the casino and get in my uniform. Yasmin isn't working today so I'm alone here.

The casino is pretty empty since it isn't night yet but I feel so happy. I love the atmosphere here whether it's packed or not. I've missed this even though I haven't been gone for that long. I make a couple of drinks for guests.

"Can I order a drink?" Someone asks and when I turn around I see it's the guy I saw a couple of days ago at Lacoste, the guy that wanted to kick me out because he didn't know I know Dante.

I raise my eyebrow at him. Did not expect to see him here, I've never seen him here before.

"Yea, what do you want?" I ask him treating him like any other customer. He laughs, knowing what I'm doing.

"I'll have a beer, please," He says. "Beer in the afternoon? Bold choice" I tell him. I just make the drink for him and he starts speaking. "I'm Dante's brother, Elijah."

I don't respond before I give him his beer. "Yea, I figured," I just say and he takes a sip of his drink. I make another drink for a different customer and he just watches me. I look at him and raise my eyebrow wondering what he wants.

"My brother forced me to apologize. I was incredibly rude towards you that other day. So, I apologize," He says and looks at me. I look at him with a forced smile. "So, does my brother really spank that hard?"

I look at him with a frown. What type of question is that?!

"Elijah I'm sorry to disappoint you but that is none of your business," I tell him and smile.

"Oh come on, tell me. You see, I haven't been in New York in a while so I heard some things, but you're the only girl who's been hanging out with him for this long and you're not a slut—at least, you don't look like one—so basically, you're a keeper," He says and I'm actually surprised. I thought he was the type of guy who has a different girl hanging on his arm every week. I look at him and he smirks.

"I'm not going to tell you, creep," I tell him and look at him with a stern expression making it clear that I'm not saying anything.

"You do realize it means something if he stays with you for that long right?" He now changes the subject. I shake my head, I haven't really thought about it. 

"He doesn't hang out with girls at all. You're blind if you hadn't realized that," He says and takes another big sip of his drink.

"He flirts with girls all the time..."

"Not anymore, he talks about you all the time whenever I see him. Every time we go out and a girl tries to shoot their shot with him, he's rude and rejects them," I don't say anything but I feel my heart getting warm and just make a couple of margaritas that someone ordered.

"Listen, I get it. You guys notice he cares about me but he doesn't take it into action. If he wants me as bad as you guys make it seem then I'm sure he would've done something," I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Why do men have to make the first move all the time. You want him to be yours too, right?" He sighs deeply and I don't say anything. Simply because I hate admitting it, I hate showing vulnerability but there is no denying that I have at least some feelings for him.

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