chapter sixteen : Reward.

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It's many hours later and we just arrived in my apartment. Hailey is going to be staying in my apartment for a couple weeks until she can find an apartment for herself here. We discussed it and she wants to live in New York to be close to us.

"Okay, so this is the living room and kitchen. Bathroom and bedroom are through that door over there. I'll clear out some space in the closet for you" I tell her and we walk into my bedroom.

"You two will come to my house tonight, I'm having Charlotte cook us dinner," Dante not offers but orders. I nod and he gives me a kiss.

"I have to go but I'll see you tonight" He says and winks. I smile and I'm not mad at him anymore. Yes, he could've told me where he was but I'll just leave it alone. He walks out of the room and not too soon after I hear the door shut meaning he left.

I hug Hailey tight and we jump up and down and laugh.

"I'm so glad you're back! We're going to have so much fun," I tell her and she smiles. I've really missed her.

We zip open her suitcase revealing all kinds of cute clothes. My mouth falls open and take out some clothes.

"Where did you buy all these clothes?!" I ask her. "You're clothes are so much cuter than mine!"

"I have much better taste you know that," She smirks cocky and I roll my eyes laughing.

We put her clothes in the closet and after we go back into my living room. she sits on the couch as I walk over to my kitchen and grab popcorn. I remember that I still had her bracelet in my back pocket so while walking back to my couch I fish it out and throw it over to her. She catches it in a soon as she sees that it's her bracelet she gasps and looks at me.

"You had it this entire time?!" She gasps in disbelief. "I've been looking for this for months after I found out it was gone!"

"Oops," I says sarcastically and sit down on the couch.

We just watch some TV and now Hailey looks at me as I'm focused watching and eating. "How long have you and Dante been together?" She now asks me.

"Couple days. And with a couple days I mean literally a couple, as in two days," I tell her and she looks and me with a confused frowning face.

"I thought you guys would've been together for much longer," She says and I laugh because it feels like it too.


It's about 6 p.m. right now and we're in the middle of getting ready for dinner at Dante's. Yasmin, Xavier, Elijah and Rebecca with their daughter Grace were invited as well so I'm actually really excited about it. I want them all to meet my sister. It is going to be a little more difficult for me and Dante because we haven't told anyone that we're together yet and I want to keep it like that for a couple more days.

"Hey, could you do me a favor tonight?" I ask Hailey.

"Sure," She responds as she runs my Denman brush through her hair. We both have curly hair so she borrowed my brush.

"Could you not mention to anyone that me and Dante are dating? We just want to keep it a secret for a little while," I say and she nods.

We just finished getting ready and we both look really nice. Hailey has her hair down and I have it in a tight bun. I'm wearing a blouse with simple denim jeans and golden jewelry and Hailey is wearing a long black dress.

We get out of my apartment and get in my car. I drive and we both don't really say anything at first.

"Is there anything I should know?" She asks me nervous. I laugh and think for a second.

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