Chapter nine : Ironic isn't it.

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I quietly walk back upstairs. I'm honestly a bit scared, I mean I don't care that he hit her. But what would make him not hit me? Maybe I should just go home and text him I don't feel well. No, maybe he'll suspect something. Maybe he was right yesterday, the moment I saw a glimpse of his evil side I wanted to get away from him. Did he really sell her out? and if he did, to who? What are they going to do to her? My thoughts get interrupted by someone.

"Are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost," Dante says followed by a low chuckle. He doesn't even seem to care about what he did or anything. It's like his other side just left and this side he usually has around me has the spotlight again.

"Yea, I'm fine," I just say trying my best to sound fine. He looks suspicious at first but then relaxes.

"Okay well, the party starts in a couple of hours. Why don't you head home and get ready?" He asks but it kind of sounds like an order. I nod and get out of there without saying anything else.

I take a cab to Yasmin's house since half of my stuff is there anyway, plus she lives close to the casino. The moment I arrive I practically jump out of the car and pay the guy. I knock on the door loud and hard.

"Wait a moment, damn!" I hear her shout. She opens the door with an angry expression but it changes to confused when she sees me.

"Can I get ready here? I got a story for you," I ask her. I want to tell her about what just happened immediately because I have no idea what to do right now, of course, I don't wanna leave him because that proves the point he tried to make but I'm scared that one day he'll hit me too.

She nods and we walk upstairs to her bedroom. I already did my hair this morning so that's taken care of all I have left to do now is shave my entire body and do my make-up. I walk into her bathroom "Hey do have a new razor I can use?" I ask her yelling.

"Top drawer," She yells back. I turn on the shower and when I'm done shaving I put on a bathrobe she keeps for me.

"So, what did you wanna tell me?" She asks while she is curling her hair. I tell her everything that happened in detail.

"Maya, you can't leave," She says. "Don't run from this."

"What? did you not hear the part where he hit a girl?" I say as I'm surprised by her response. I expected something really different, as I should run from him or I don't know, but not this.

"So? with all the shit that she's done I'm surprised she's even alive," She tells me. She does have a point there, Hope has done some crazy shit that would normally get her killed by the mafia.

"Yasmin what if one day that is me," I now sit down and grab some makeup from her makeup drawer. I'm scared that if I accidentally get on his bad side by pushing his buttons too far he'll lay his hand on me.

"It won't be you one day, because you won't ever do the things that she's done. He cares about you Maya, meanwhile, he doesn't give a shit about Hope," She tells me and she does have a point but I'm still kind of scared. I now start doing my make-up.

"Listen, you guys may not notice it but even around me and Xavier you guys have a shit ton of chemistry, I could only imagine what it's like without us there," She says and I now look at her through the mirror. We do? I mean I guess I never noticed. I guess we have some chemistry when it's just us, but I never realized other people could notice it too.

I focus on my make-up again and Yasmin now laughs "What?" I ask her.

"It's funny how you hated him and yesterday you two kissed," She says and I now look up wondering how she knew that. "Dante told Xavier, and then he told me"

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