Chapter thirty five : Happy birthday.

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This chapter is much shorter than the others, and I apologize for that. The following chapters won't be like that x


I get woken up by kisses on my inner thighs. I open my eyes and look down to see Dante kissing my inner thighs. He looks up at me and crawls up. He kisses me.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," He says and kisses me again. I smile in the kiss and he goes back down.

"Dante wait..." But he interrupts me by licking my slit. He has easy access since I was only wearing a T-shirt without any underwear on. I let out a moan. I grip tightly on the headboard behind me and arch my back before laying back down. The intense feeling rushes through my body.

"Hmm..."  I moan as he picks up his pace. His tongue slides over my entrance and I bite my lip. He comes back up and flips me over on my stomach. He lifts my hips up and soon after I feel his tongue on my entrance again.

I moan into the pillow and grip on the pillow tightly while arching my back. I feel his wet tongue on my slit and I squeeze my eyes shut. Then he sucks on my clit and my head shoots up-- gasping because it was so unexpected. He eats me out like he is hungry and I feel my orgasm build up already.

"Why don't you cum for me, princess," He says and blows against my clit. He licks my clit and I cum while I scream his name.

"Dante!..." I scream loud and something happens I never expected to happen. I feel my inner thighs get wet. I look up and pull up Dante's head to see a wet stain on the mattress.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim embarrassed and get out of bed. I run my hand through my hair and walk into the bathroom, embarrassed. I quickly close and lock the bathroom door and clean myself.

"Maya," Dante chuckles. I hear him chuckle more and it only makes me feel worse. I start to pace around. "Maya, I'll break open this door if you don't come out."

I stand still for a moment and walk open to the door to open it. I unlock the door and slowly open it as if there is a serial killer in the house.

"Baby, that was fucking sexy," He says. He bites his lip and wraps his hands around my waist. Butterflies in my stomach make me chuckle. I feel his big erection against my stomach.

"Feel what that did to me," He says. I take a step back and put my hair up into a ponytail. He arches his eyebrow and I smirk. I drop to my knees and pull down his sweatpants. I take him in my mouth immediately and hear his groans that always make me so freaking wet. I take him all the way to drive him crazy.

"Ah fuck, Maya," He groans aggressively. He grips my hair aggressively and pulls on my roots to control how fast I am going. Not today...

I move my pace and go faster. I take him out of my mouth before swirling my tongue around his tip. "Fuck, Maya. You're so good to me," He groans. My heart skips a beat as the words leave his mouth. I feel myself getting turned on by his praising words.

I keep sucking and switch my pace to slow, to torture him like he always does to me.

"Fuck Maya, you're gonna make me cum," He says and I suck faster until I hear him groan loud and feel his warm cum in the back of my throat. I take him off of my mouth and stand up. I look at him as I swallow. He licks his lip and I turn around to walk in the bathroom. He smacks my ass hard.

"I haven't punished you in a while, have I?" He says. I grab my toothbrush and put the toothpaste on the brush and brush my tooth. I look at him in the mirror, clearly ignoring what he said. "Are you sure that it's smart to ignore me?"

"Yes, you haven't punished me in a while," I answer him and he stands behind me. He squeezes my ass while leaning in my ear.

"Maybe I should punish you right now," He says.

"For what?" I frown. I literally didn't do anything wrong.

"You ignored me," He answers. I hold back the dying urge to roll my eyes.

"You're going to punish me for ignoring you?" I ask him— still frowning. He has got to be kidding me. "You're funny sometimes, Dante." I laugh.

"You've gotten confident with that attitude, Maya" He tells me. He is right, I kind of have stopped caring since he let so much slide after we hit a rough patch.

"Dante, you're not going to..." He interrupts me by smacking my ass hard. I hit my stomach against the bathroom sink and gasp.

"Count," and I roll my eyes. He smacks my ass hard, making me cuss under my breath.

"You're not making it easier on yourself, Maya."

"One..." I begin to count before he gives me another one.

"Two," I follow. He continues to give me 10 spankings before rubbing my ass with lotion. I look at my ass in the mirror for a quick second and Dante smirks while looking at it as well.

"You like what you see?" I ask him. Annoyance under my tone at the way he smirks.

"I definitely like what I see, you know that," He said and I chuckle. I brush my teeth and he gives me a kiss.

"Happy birthday," He says.

"I'm old,"

"So now twenty-two is old?" He asks me chuckling and places his arm over my shoulders while brushing his teeth.

"I have some business tomorrow, but you can spend time with Hailey and Yasmine right? I don't want you to be alone," He asks.

"I love you very much but I think I'll be fine on my own," I chuckle.

"I have a surprise for you, we're going tonight,"  He says. I hate surprises. It starts in your wardrobe. I used to not really care about my wardrobe but Yasmin really infected me with it.

"I hate surprises," I tell him.

"It'll be fine, you can dress casually but you'll love it," Dante tells me and spits in the sink. "Hailey said you'll cry, at least."


"Tell me where we're going Dante," I ask him laughing. It's around 9 p.m right now and Dante, Hailey and I are headed somewhere. Dante didn't want to tell me, and all Hailey said is I would cry of happiness. I'm really excited. I've gotten a gift from Hailey and Yasmin already. Me and Dante did a lot of fun things today. I met some more people of his mafia and they accepted me, we had an amazing time but I am more excited about tonight. Even though I don't like surprises, I will love it.

Yasmin gave me a lingerie set and a pack of condoms for Dante, obviously. And Hailey gave me a gold necklace with my name on it in cursive, I thought it was really sweet since my father gave me one when I was little however my mother took it from me when he left and sold it to buy drugs.

I look outside of the window when I feel Dante's hand on my thigh. He speeds up and I feel myself getting a little anxious.

"Dante, slow down," I tell him and he chuckles.

"We will be fine baby," He said.

"Dante, I said slow down," I start to get more anxious and now look at him.

"Maya, I know how to drive, we'll be fine," He chuckles. I'm not feeling good about this.

"Maya, we'll be fine, stop being a buzzkill," Hailey now laughs. He starts to speed up even more just to piss me off. The left side of my view gets cut off by big white lights. I quickly look to my left and see a big truck headed towards our car. Dante tries to slam on the breaks but it's too late. The truck hits my side of the car and the car starts spinning around, the car hits the ground over and over, and before I know it everything goes dark.


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