Chapter thirty seven : Missed you too.

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I haven't slept. I've been thinking about her all night. I tried visiting Maya last night around two, but they wouldn't let me see her. I couldn't sleep without her by my side. I don't sleep well that way. No one has a clue when she'll wake up. It's around seven right now and I'm allowed to see her. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this. I'm trying to keep my head up and think positive but it's hard, and it's just been a day. She is pregnant with my child. If she doesn't wake up they'll have to do a C-section when the baby is trying to push its way out. And if she does and doesn't remember me, she'll have to give birth to a baby of a man she doesn't know.

I start to feel worse for her than myself. The only good thing about this is when she wakes up and does remember me, I get to tell her that she is pregnant but we don't know when that will be.

I get out of the bed I've been trying to sleep in all night and get dressed. I put on a white blouse and some black trousers. I contacted Mateo yesterday night and said that we should meet today. He agreed because I had something important to tell him. I walk downstairs and meet Hailey sitting against the kitchen island.

"Hey." She greets me.

"Hi," I greet her back. Maya can't escape my brain, especially now. I'm used to it but normally I feel love and let's be honest, horny. But now all I can feel is guilt and loneliness. I can't fucking do this. I've grown too attached to her and it's starting to hit me how much.

"Does Oliver know you're staying here?" I ask her. She nods. I know that Oliver and she have gotten a bit more serious since I saw them together at the ball. And when I had to go I spoke with him after my fight.

"How do you know Oliver?" She asks me.

"I see him occasionally at The Beast," I answer her and look at her staring at her food but not eating anything.

"You have to eat Hailey," I tell her and now she looks up. I'm not trying to force her but she has to eat. "I know it's not your main priority right now, but eat."

She takes a bite out of her omelet. And I take a sip of my black coffee. I try to act normal but I can't. I hear the front door open and see Elijah enter the kitchen. He looks a mess. His hair is a mess and his outfit looks like he got dressed in the dark. He has massive under-eyes bags and overall just looks horrible.

"Uhm...Dante, I have something to tell you," He says. His voice sounds sad. He scratches the back of his neck and looks at me.

"Do we need to go somewhere private?" I ask him, since he might not want to Hailey to know. But he shakes his head so I just nod slowly waiting for him to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me.

"Rebecca and I are getting a divorce," He tells me. I frown and my mouth drops open slightly.

"Why? What is going on?" I ask him. Like the argument, this is coming out of nowhere. I mean, I guess because they have been having many arguments recently, no one knew except for me because Elijah tells me everything and vice versa.

"I caught her cheating on me a week ago. That is the reason why you saw Hailey and me together. I saw her and I needed to talk about it to someone and you were so busy with Maya," He tells me. Did she cheat? My eyebrow arches slightly at the way it threw me off. I really thought that she was loyal to his side, especially since they have a child.

"And you guys don't want to work it out? Not for Grace?" I ask him. They haven't even been on the trip yet, just a quick weekend away with Grace but I thought it would be enough.

"Dante, you don't get it!" He now raises his voice and I sigh annoyed. "She had another man's dick inside of her while moaning his fucking name! She didn't even see me stand in the room. When she saw me she couldn't even apologize until I walked away, that's how little she respects me."

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