Chapter thirty six : Critical condition.

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I slowly open my eyes to see myself surrounded by Xavier, Elijah, and my parents. I don't realize where I am at first but then I notice that I and in the hospital. Flashbacks flash in my mind, back to the moment that we crashed. I hurt her, I hurt Maya. I could have possibly hurt her sister too. I need to know where she is.

"Where is Maya? How long was I out for?" I ask, my mother stares at me without saying a word, she has tears filling in her eyes and quickly walks away, to not let me see her break down. I sigh, I feel bad for her. She is a bit emotional, but I do understand.

"How long was I out for?" I ask again. "I need to see Maya, where is she?"

"You were out for two days, the doctors say that you're fine. They placed you in the room next to Maya..." He says. "But, Dante..."

I interrupt him by ripping the intravenous drip off and I get out of the hospital bed. I start walking towards the door and when I push down the door handle I get interrupted by my father telling me the news that would change my life.

"Son, she is pregnant," My father says.

I let go of the door handle as the words repeat in my head.

She is pregnant...
She is pregnant...
She was almost completely infertile and now she is pregnant, with my child...

"She only had a nine percent chance of getting pregnant, it's impossible," I say. She couldn't be pregnant.

"Almost impossible," He corrects me. "And with the amount of time that you get laid, I would say that the chances of her getting pregnant aren't as slim," He jokes. I sigh annoyed at his immature comment.

I open the door and storm out to see Maya. I have been out for two days, I need to see her, I need to talk to her. Is she okay? Has she seen me, yet?

I walk into her room and my heart drops at what I see. My beautiful queen, connected to many wires with an oxygen mask on her mouth to help her breathe. Her face is all bruised, just like her neck and arms. She doesn't look the same. She told me to slow down...

"Hello, what can I do for you?" A nurse now stands in front of me with a clipboard. I look at her shortly as my heart is beating rapidly.

"Uhm, do you know what the state of her condition is?" I ask her coldly.

"Are you in any way related to her?" She asks me and writes something down shortly.

"Boyfriend and father of her unborn child," I answer while keeping my focus on Maya while slowly my heart breaks more, the guilt trips up my spine and into my head.

"I'm sorry, I can only give detailed information to family members," She says and I chuckle.

"Sweetheart, let me introduce myself," I chuckle low. "My name is Dante Lacoste, now, how about the information huh?"

She sighs and nods. "I will get the doctor," and she walks away.

People know who I am and what kind of power I have in this time and give me what I want or need the moment they found out that it's me. A male doctor comes back into the room and gives me a handshake before speaking.

"She is currently in critical condition. The truck hit the side of the car and it was too much for her body to handle and shut down. She is currently in a state of coma and we don't know when she will wake up. Comas are caused by damage to the brain, specifically the diffused bilateral cerebral hemisphere cortexor the reticular activating system. We put an oxygen mask on her mouth to help with her breathing of course. We ran a lot of tests and a part of her limbic system is possibly damaged, but we cannot say this with absolute certainty since she isn't awake while we ran the tests," He explains.

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