Chapter twenty : Fun aunt.

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That's what it says on the test. I can already picture her fat belly while she walking around like a penguin, struggling to walk up the stairs, the endless mood swings, and her screaming from the top of her lungs when the baby decides to come.

"And?" Yasmin says as she bites on her nails. How should I tell her that she has a baby growing inside of her stomach? She is going to be crushed, and I can't blame her. I'd break down crying if I found out I was preggo, but from happiness. I want children, I just can't get them.

"Well, I guess I could be the fun aunt?" I say but it comes out as more of a question. She gasps and when I shoot a look at her I notice tears grow in her eyes. She struggles to find the words and grabs the pregnancy test out of my hands. I could never understand what she's thinking right now. She and Xavier just started dating for like a month now. He's going to be happy no matter what but I don't know about Yasmin.

"No, no, no! I can't be fucking pregnant. We just started dating he'll be pissed!" She says and tears start rolling down her face. I hug her comforting, as she needs right now, I understand her sadness. She and Xavier as I said before haven't been together for that long but I am sure he won't leave her.

"You know Xavier loves you, he'll love this baby too. It doesn't matter to him that you guys just started dating," I tell her as I truly believe it. Xavier loves Yasmin so much, I can tell by the way he looks at her. I pull back out of the hug and smile at her.

"He told me last night, that he loved me," She says and looks down. "I told him I loved him too immediately."

"See, I know for a fact he's going to love this baby Yasmin. I know the timing isn't good, but you guys can work it out I just know it," I assure her and give her a comforting smile. We goof around a lot but we also know when to keep it serious.

"Oh and look at the bright side, now I have another reason not to have kids because I'm going to be busy enough to take care of yours," I tell her and she looks at me with a bored expression making me chuckle.

I get a call from an anonymous number and just decide to pick up.

"Hello?" I nicely greet whoever could be on the other line.

"Hey, don't hang up! Please, I need to see you. I promise I won't be weird," Sophie's voice says.

I sigh. I guess I could hear her excuse. Surprisingly. No, I don't want to see her because I hate what she did to my sister but I need to know what is going on.

"Fine, meet me at the park across from my apartment in fifteen minutes," I tell her and hang up.

Yasmin looks at me with a confused facial expression. I tell her it was Sophie, I told her about Sophie a couple of weeks ago. She nods. "I wonder what she has to say," She says and I nod. Yea, I wonder too. After hearing her out I never want to see her again.

"I have to go, but you better tell Xavier. I'm serious Yasmin," I tell her strictly and she nods. She would be the type of person to hide her own pregnancy from the baby daddy.

I sit on a bench in the park while looking at my view. Beautiful lake with ducks in it, swimming behind each other. In the corner I see Sophie sit down next to me but I keep my focus on my view. She hurt my sister, so she better has a good fucking excuse before I break her face.

"I know you don't ever want to see me again but..."

"Do you still have feelings for me?" I cut her off still keeping my focus on the lake. I don't have time for all of that bullshit right now. I just need to know what the fuck is up and that is all.

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