Chapter fifty two : The end.

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10 years later

"Mama! Katherine took my iPad and she won't give it back!" I hear Leah shout angry. She has her father's temper. It's annoying at times but I can handle it, just like I can handle Dante's.

"Leah, Hablamos de esto antes, no yelling," (We talked about this before) I tell her. I pick up Katherine who is now running towards me with Leah's big iPad in her small hands.

Katherine looks exactly like me and Leah looks exactly like Dante. Same eyes, lips, ears, everything. Leah is now 10 and Katherine is 7. We were trying for a baby a couple of years after Leah because we knew we wanted another kid and we knew that we wanted them to be close in age.

"Sorry mom," She sighs annoyed and dramatic causing me to chuckle. She is such a drama queen sometimes,

"Katherine, was it nice to take away Leah's iPad?" I ask Katherine in a slightly strict tone. She shakes her head.

"Give it back," I tell her and put her on the ground. "And say sorry."

"Lo Siento," She says and gives back the iPad. I'm so proud that both my daughter can speak fluent Spanish and English at such a young age. It was important for me that they learn how to speak both fluently because I know that it'll be incredibly beneficial in the future.

I smile, but my smile grows wider when I hear the front door open and close. He is home.

"Go say hi to daddy, girls," I tell them and they both run to the front door smiling.

"Hello my girls," Dante says when he walks in. He picks up both of them and gives them each a kiss before putting them both back down.

"I got a B on my science project!" Leah smiles. She is so smart. Leah constantly gets A's and B's on everything.

"What?" Dante frowns confused. "I've seen that project, and you deserve an A. Why didn't that dumb teach..."

I clear my throat and arch my eyebrow telling him to shut up. We don't talk like that in front of the kids but now and then Dante has trouble with it.

"A B is great, I'm proud of you," He corrects himself and kisses her on her forehead. I smile. They have such a great relationship. Katherine is more of a mommy's girl but not Leah, no, she is such a daddy's girl.

"Hello Amor," He walks towards me. The girls walk heading to the living room and play on Leah's iPad. "You look beautiful."

He kisses me loving and lustful. I smile in the kiss.

"Are they still staying with Hailey tonight?" He asks. His tone is rushed and hungry for me. I nod.

"Good," He says. "You're submitting yourself completely to me tonight."

"I can't wait," I smile.

"Come on, girls. Let's eat dinner, apúrate," (Hurry up) I tell the girls and clap in my hands. "Tía is going to pick you up after."

Hailey has been sober for the last 10 years. Ever since I threatened her she stopped drinking, it has been hard for her but I knew that she could do it. I took her out for a drink yesterday, just because we knew she was ready and everything went fine. I went to check up on her unexpectedly that same night and she was doing just fine. She told me that she loved the drinks but not as much that she'd have a relapse.

"Daddy, can I have some ice cream later?" Leah asks.

"Me too! Me too!" Katherine says and we all walk to the kitchen.

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