Chapter thirty : Mateo.

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2 weeks later

It's the day of the ball today. To be honest, I am incredibly nervous about it. It's my first big project and I want it to go perfectly. I still haven't told Dante about Mateo yet, but I am meeting up with Mateo today so I will tell him right before the ball. I know I shouldn't be keeping anything from him for that long but I truly had my reasons, I know that this is big but I'm not one to share information really fast. I need to figure out what is going on first, and that is exactly what is gonna happen in the next 2 hours or so.

"Are you going out?" Dante asks me and I nod while running some oil through my thick hair, so it prevents it from getting frizzy. Dante now stands behind me and looks at me in the mirror with a questioning look asking for further information about where I am going.

"I'm going to meet up with someone, you'll find out all about it tonight," I explain in all honesty. I know he will be left with so many questions but they'll be answered after I've met with him. The ball is tonight, so my schedule will be full. I barely have any time to see anyone, because I will be so incredibly busy.

"Who are you meeting with?" Dante now asks me while he is buttoning up his white blouse but he is struggling with the last button.

"I will tell you about it tonight," I answer. I know this is bad communication and I am sure Rose would kill me if I told her about the way I am handling this. I am sure that Dante would support me all the way through it but I need some clarity before telling anyone. I'm used to handling everything on my own so this feels a little bit strange, even though I know it won't be once I tell him.

"Do you need me to drive you?" He asks and I shake my head. I now look at him still struggling and sigh, I now walk over towards him and help him with his button while he keeps his eyes on me. I look at him shortly before fixing his collar. I give him a short kiss before walking back to my dresser. I pick a simple outfit, just a white sweater with blue jeans. I start to undress and see Dante leaned back against the wall, looking at me. I chuckle and just ignore him. Now he walks over to me and kisses me. I'm a bit taken back by surprise but I kiss him back. The kiss is a lot like the first time that we kissed, making flashbacks to our first meeting appear in my mind.

Gosh, I hated him.

I pull back and he looks at me.

"How will you go then?" He asks me.

"I'll take an uber, or take my own car," I told him, and now he frowns.

"Go with your own car I am not letting you ride with a stranger," He tells me and now he looks at me and I chuckle. I like when he is protective.

"You're so beautiful, I freaking love your smile," He tells me and my heart just melts.

"I feel like I don't tell you that enough either," I smile and give him a short kiss again. I love it when he is affectionate. He hates it, but I love it.

"Let me take you out on a date," He tells me and now I frown and chuckle. When I think about it, we haven't been on a date yet. "After the chaos, let me take you out on a proper date."

"I mean, we haven't ever been on one..."

"Exactly, so after you've moved in you and I will go on a date," And now I chuckle. The order seems kind of weird if you think about it. He chuckles when he realizes it too and now we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Dante says coldly and I turn around. The door is being opened and Lorenzo stands in the doorway. I give him a smile and he waves awkwardly making me chuckle. I walk over to the dresser again grab my jewelry off of it.

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