Chapter twenty six : Like father like son.

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Like we expected, news spread fast, people are suspecting that we're together. We decided on just admitting to it when anyone asks since there is no point in lying. People will see us anyway and know. I don't mind, Dante has been really affectionate lately and I personally think it's because he still tries to make up for what he did and what he said. He doesn't necessarily have to but I'm glad he does, it shows that he's truly sorry.

Also, I told Lisa I'm going to stop working for her because I just don't feel happy there anymore. She gave me a vague answer and I just left it alone. I work for Dante completely now, and yes, it is kind of weird to be together with my boss. He fucked me at work a couple of times but I told him to back off because we need to be professional on the work floor.

I'm pretty nervous because any moment now, Dante's father will come walking through Dante's front door to meet me. I've never had to meet anyone's parents because I've never been serious with someone before. It took me 21 years to be serious with someone, and now I'm meeting his father.

Hailey is here with us as well because she is my sister and Dante's father said that because she is the only family I have here, it would be important to meet her straight away, same goes for Elijah who is here with us as well. He simply didn't want to miss the drama that apparently would go down, though I have no idea why. From the sound of his voice, he's very assertive and doesn't like when things don't go his way, like father like son I guess. We tried to get both of Dante's parents in the same room but they almost killed us for only suggesting it. They really hate each other.

I'm wearing a white blouse and a sand-colored skirt that stops at my knees, with white sandals since it's hot outside. I have my hair in a high ponytail and decided to keep my make-up simple. Tomorrow I'm meeting his mother for the second time, I already met her but we both insisted. Dante didn't like the idea of not being there but his mother got annoyed with him and so he had to surrender. I love his mother.

The sound of the doorbell goes and my heartbeat raises already. I just swallow as if I'm swallowing away the anxiety. I got this...

I walk to the door and open it. I smile politely and greet him with a hug like I greet everyone. Clearly, he's not used to it, because he freezes. I hear Dante chuckling low, probably knowing he's not used to hugs.

"Hi, come on in" I greet him politely and step aside to let him in. He doesn't say anything, his facial expression stays the same, unamused and cold. Just like Dante's around other people. He slowly walks in, his shiny polished shoes sounding loud on the marble flooring. It feels as if the temperature dropped the moment he walked in.

We enter the living room, and Hailey and I walk into the kitchen and get some wine. Charlotte, Dante's cook is making spaghetti. Before we enter the living room I take a big sip of my wine and shortly look at Hailey who's holding in her laugh because she can sense my nervousness. I hand everyone their drink and we chat. Well, mostly me, Dante, and Hailey. Francesco is mostly quiet.

"So, Maya..." Francesco now says not caring that I and Dante were talking. Everyone now looks at us.

"Let's get the popcorn" I hear Elijah say to Hailey.

"Yes?" I ask him and look at him. I'm nervous but for some reason not intimidated, I guess Dante claimed that part of me.

"I think it's time for us to talk alone, no?" He says and I nod not showing I'm lowkey scared. I see Dante's face tense up and I hear Elijah laughing softly.

"Shut it" Francesco says cold and Elijah clears his throat decided to shut up. As he should, for once.

I get up and we walk to Dante's office where I close the door behind me. He sits behind Dante's desk while looking at me cold. I uncomfortably look anywhere but Francesco.

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