Chapter thirty three : Rose.

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I hate therapy.

Yet, I go every single time I have a problem. Lie, I don't but today I will. Hailey hasn't spoken to me yet, Dante is still stressed about something I can't know about, and of course, he tries his best not to act stressed around me but I can see it in his face, and obviously, I need to tell Rose about Mateo. I don't like to talk about it that much however I need to, it needs to get out in order for me to handle this well. Usually, I can do this by myself, but I think it's best if I hear it from a professional.

As I wait for Rose to show up I lay down on the couch. Overthinking everything right now. Mostly about Hailey. I know I shouldn't beat myself up for it, but still, I thought that it would go so differently.

"Long time no see." Rose snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn my head to see her sit on the black leather chair that she always sits in, and takes notes in. I just sigh and turn my head back— looking at the ceiling again.

"What brought you in today?" She asks the basic question that she always leads with.

"What brought me in today is the fact that I saw my half-brother for the first time a couple of weeks ago," I explain to her as if it's just another little slip-up in life. She clears her throat.

"Okay. Do you think that affects your relationship with Dante in any way?" She now
asks and I turn my head frowning.

"Why and how would that affect my relationship with Dante?" I ask her as I am confused as to why she is asking me this. This doesn't relate to my issues at all right now.

"Well, I'm assuming that another man in your life is hard on such a short-tempered man. Not to mention, he is really dominant and protective over the things he owns," She retorts. I now sit up straight and chuckle.

"First off, I'm not a thing and second of Dante might be short-tempered sometimes but that doesn't mean that he is like that around family..." I tell her and make sure to put extra pressure on the word family because that hasn't gotten in her head yet.

"Sometimes, huh? Would you care to elaborate on when those moments are present? Let's say for instance when he comes home from work?" She now cuts me off.

"What are you talking about..."

"And of course, we're talking about the illegal business Dante runs, not the casino," She cuts me off again. I know exactly what she is doing, I can't say that I never expected this to happen, I did. Dante has his mark all over New York City, it doesn't surprise me that people know of his illegal business but no one can prove anything.

"Illegal business? What are you talking about?" I lie. Deny deny deny. Always deny and play stupid, as if you don't know anything. As long as they don't have a confession, they can't do anything. That is what Dante taught me.

"Of course, he has you so wrapped around his finger that you'll protect him with your life," She says with a judgemental tone.

"Dante doesn't have me wrapped around his finger. Why are you acting like this? Dante has a casino and many restaurants. That is how he makes his money," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh please Maya, you couldn't possibly..."

"Honestly Rose, I know that being a therapist to too many people can stress you out but don't make these weird accusations just to let your stress out on me," I cut her off and make my voice sound as innocent and clueless as possible, to make it look like I'm honestly worried about her.

"You know what? I'll just get out of your hair," I tell her and laugh sweet. I get up immediately before she can say anything and walk out of her office.

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