Chapter seventeen : Teasing.

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I wake up and get ready for work. I missed a day of work when I went to Hailey. I already called Lisa and she said it was alright.

I'm putting my hair in a bun when Hailey comes in my bathroom looking like a zombie. I chuckle when I see her face and she looks at me with a dead glare. She never was much of a morning person.

"I'm going to work. I'll be back at seven but I'm staying the night at Dante's. Will you be fine on your own?" I ask her and she nods.

She grabs a toothbrush. "Didn't you guys literally just started dating?" She asks me and I nod.

"He doesn't really like to go slow so I came up with a compromise," I tell her.

"Since when are you so obedient to people?" She asks me and now starts brushing her teeth.

"Trust me, I'm not as obedient as you think," I laugh.

"Maya, can I ask you something really random. I've just been thinking about it a lot," She asks me and I nod letting her know she can ask.

"Did you go to the doctor that day?" She asks me. I know immediately what she means. She means the fact that I told her I wasn't going to the doctor the day I found out I had 9% on having children.

"Yea, I did. Why do you ask?" I ask her.

"I saw the way your smile faded when you looked at Grace. I knew what it meant immediately," She says and I sigh.

"I have a nine procent chance of being able to get pregnant," I say and my mood is completely ruined.

"Oh Maya, I'm sorry..." She says and I just smile. I wish things were different, I really want children. I had it planned out as a kid. 2 kids, I had boy and girl names written down and the age of when I wanted them. But of course, Jimmy had to ruin it.

I'm making drinks behind the bar when Elijah walks up to the bar. What is he doing here again. I hand someone a beer and look at Elijah

"Are you going to be here every time I work," I ask him as I clean up the bar.

"Yes. Dante asked me to keep an eye out for you when you work," He says. What?! I don't need to have someone watch me. I don't even say anything anymore and just ignore him. I'll talk to Dante about it.

The rest of the day is pretty chill. I just keep making drinks and kicked someone out for breaking a glass because I didn't want to make him drinks anymore, while he was wasted.

I open my apartment door when I see Hailey on the couch with Sophie. I quit walking immediately and close the door behind me.

"What is she doing here, Hailey?" I ask Hailey completely ignoring Sophie's presence.

"What do you mean?" She asks me. Of course, she doesn't know about Sophie's feelings for me yet.

"Sophie is crazy. She has had feelings for me and when she couldn't accept the fact that I'm not gay she broke into my apartment and graffitied on my wall," I tell her and now Hailey looks weird at me. Sophie now looks at Hailey with an apologetic look.

"Sophie, is this true?" Hailey now asks and gets tears in her eyes.

"N-no. It's not I-" She stutters. What is going on? Why are they both sad all of a sudden.

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