Chapter forty six : Jealous.

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"I don't know where he is, I woke up this morning and he still wasn't home," I say as I take a bite from my bread, dipped in melted cheese. Both Yasmin and Hailey look at me disgusted.

"It's good, wanna try?" I ask them with my mouth full. Hailey cringes at my question.

"I'm not eating that at ten in the morning," Hailey says. "Matter of fact, I'm not eating that, ever," making me roll my eyes and look at Yasmin, handing the piece of bread to her and wondering whether she wants to try it or not.

"I had it when I was pregnant plenty, I don't like it anymore," Yasmin says. "Why does he always have to get so angry when it comes to you and other guys?"

"Cole kissed me," I tell her. Now she looks at me with her mouth wide open. I look at Hailey who just sighs deeply.

"I'm over this shit," Hailey says and rubs her forehead. "You do realize Cole is a deadman, right? Even though I'm not a fan of the guy he doesn't deserve to die."

I look at my plate and drop the piece of bread on my plate. I know that Cole will get hurt, but right now, I can't do anything. All I can do is wait for Dante to get back so I know that I won't run into him if I visit Cole. Cole and I can still be friends, I know we can. It wasn't like we were in love, it was just one kiss. I just know I have a lot of explaining to do once I see him.

I know that seeing Cole is bad. Especially with Dante being pissed at him but I just think that Cole deserves an apology and an explanation. We need to talk about it. About him.

"Where is Nathaniel?" I ask Yasmin, changing the conversation topic. I really want to see him again. He has his mother's eyes and father's freckles and nose, but because of his eyes--which are very big and beautiful, he looks most like his mother. He has light brown, thick, straight hair and brown eyes with long black eyelashes, just like Xavier.

"With Xavier, they went to the park because momma needed some girl time," She responds and I chuckle. Being a mother takes up a lot of time, I knew that. Yasmin looks so happy when she talks about her son. I hope our friends could be friends.

"When do I get to see him again?" I ask her. "I miss him."

"We'll come by tomorrow," She tells me.

"Hailey, you come too, oh, and bring Oliver. I'll invite Mateo as well and we'll have a game night," I tell Hailey. She nods and then I smile happy and take another bite of my bread. It tastes so good.


I close the front door behind me as I carry the heavy grocery bags with me. After breakfast with Hailey and Yasmin, I went to Mateo. I spoke with him last night and he really wanted to see me. I had only spoken to him over the phone and I just saw him this afternoon. We caught up on things and we talked a lot. I didn't tell him about Cole or Dante—who hasn't come home last night.

"Let me help you," I hear Dante's voice say. I turn around and hand him the grocery bags. He begins to walk away and I follow him—headed to the kitchen where he already begins to put the stuff in the cabinets and fridge.

"Where were you?" I ask. "You weren't there when I went to sleep and you weren't there when I woke up."

"Don't worry about it," He says. I feel myself getting annoyed at his reaction. He won't even tell me where he was all night. I was waiting for him and when I found out that he wasn't home all night I got even angrier and worried. I'm sick of all these negative feelings.

"I will worry about it. It was one kiss Dante, and Cole is still my friend," I respond—trying to justify what happened. I know that what happened was bad but it isn't like Cole was just a guy that I kissed, he's also my friend and it hurts me to know that he is hurt.

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