Chapter forty one : Impatient.

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"Stop forcing me! I can't help that I don't remember your rules, Dante" I say with a raised voice while walking out of the basement.

It's been a month since my coma, and Dante is an asshole. He is so impatient with me. I understand that it hurts him because he has these memories of us that I don't, but he needs to understand that I can't force them into my brain. It needs to happen naturally. I've been visiting the doctor twice this month, and I'll be doing so for the next year. But Dante is making it so hard to live with.

Yes, we live together. I hate it but, most of my memories were here and Dante has been having trouble sleeping without me apparently. I didn't care at first, but, the guy looked really messed up after a week so we agreed to it. Under one condition, we sleep in separate beds. The creep needs to watch me sleep apparently. First, he wanted me to sleep in his bed but I called him out for being a lunatic.

He chuckles when I get mad at him sometimes. It reminds him about how mad I could get, even before the coma happened.

It's all so weird and he isn't giving me much freedom. I feel stuck. He is acting like I can control it, but I can't, or else I would've. I really would have. It is so frustrating to see me smile in pictures and videos of me and Dante together and not being able to remember or to feel happiness.

I visited Hailey last week. I didn't really want to see her but I knew I had to, I missed her a lot. It was just so weird especially knowing that we already made up around six months ago. She was so nervous yet, so comfortable around me. I could tell she was having a hard time with me not remembering how we made up or anything. Hailey and Dante feel as if they don't matter to me.

I overheard them talking a couple of days ago. I think that Dante and Hailey are really close. I heard them talking about how they felt as if my love for them wasn't as big as I showed. I wanted to tell them they were wrong but I couldn't. I can't remember anything. Not how much I loved them.

I know how much I love Hailey but Dante, I can't remember anything of us and it makes me sad. The look on his face when I laugh or smile is heartbreaking. I know he loves me and my heart hurts for him because I can't give it back to him right now.

"Maya, I told you to never go in that basement! How hard is it to obey me?!" He now raises his voice as well.

"Don't you dare yell at me, you asshole! I have been trying to keep myself focused on the rules, making sure I never crossed them but it's hard! You're keeping so much from me and I need to know these things if we're going to continue this."

"Maya, you can't know everything..." e says calm but I cut him off. I've had enough of this bullshit.

"If you don't tell me what is going on, I'll leave, and I won't just leave this house but I'll leave New York."

His face stiffens and he keeps quiet. The look on his face honestly scares me a bit. But then he begins to chuckle. I frown.

"Are you threatening me, love?" He asks me chuckling. This man is crazy. "If you leave, not only will I lose you but I will lose our child. So if you leave, I can promise you, I will bring hell to this earth."

With those words, he just leaves. I question myself before this coma. How could I have been in love with this guy?


"How Yasmin? How could I have been in love with Dante?" I now ask Yasmin the question since she is the only one I feel like I can trust. We're on FaceTime while I change into workout clothes. I saw a gym in here earlier so I decided to work out tonight.

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