Chapter thirty two : Moving in.

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"I don't want to anymore, I'm tired" I whine as I lay down on the cold concrete floor. I've been doing nothing but moving boxes and eating trashy take-out food for two weeks. My eyebags are horrible because I haven't been sleeping well, all that I've been doing is packing and not sleeping. But every time I come to a realization that Dante's house will be ours, I know that it is worth it.

Hailey and I haven't spoken since the ball. I'm not going to be the one to apologize, not this time. I didn't do anything, and neither did Mateo. I know Hailey could have her reasons but ignoring me for two weeks for this—not giving Mateo a chance, or getting to know him—is just absolutely childish. She can come crawling back once she grows up and is ready to apologize.

Mateo and I have decided to have lunch after the move-in. But we haven't necessarily had the time to discuss the details yet, since I've been busy with moving.

"Come on, we're almost done," Dante interrupts my thoughts and takes my hand—pulling me up but instead of me just standing up straight, I just lean my whole body against him. He sighs and I mimic him sighing.

"Can't we just come back tomorrow?" I ask him, mumbling tired. I can't think about anything but sleep right now.

"We can't, you have to be gone by tomorrow remember?" He reminds me and I sigh. That's right, this was my last day here. Surprisingly, I'm not as sad about leaving which normally I would be.

"Fine..." I say and get off of him. "But, if I'm a bitch tomorrow, it's your fault, and you better not punish me for shit," I tell him and now he chuckles.

We grab the last boxes and carry them downstairs. Now, all we have left to do is clean up. Cleaning up my apartment at three in the morning, nice. Dante has been helping me and it's really nice. But, on the other hand, the late nights have been making me tired and quickly annoyed. So, my ass is now purple from all of the punishments I've been getting. Dante loves the view, it makes him so horny, it's insane-- he's worse than normal.

We place the boxes in his trunk and I walk upstairs immediately. I walk back into my apartment with Dante following me. I sigh deeply as I grab the broom but I get spun around by Dante and I look up at him, barely able to keep my eyes open. He wraps his big bear arms since he is wearing a t-shirt. I lean against him, and I sigh, I've missed this. Even though it was only two weeks, I've been really stressed and the only intimate time I had with Dante was when we had sex, we haven't really had a quiet moment where we can just breathe. I close my eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you," I mumble and I feel him give me a kiss on my head.

"I love you too, amore," He mumbles back. I feel my heart heat up, I melt every single time that he tells me he loves me.

We stay like this for a little while before he pulls me off of him making me groan.

"I know you're trying to fall asleep on me, it's not working. We're almost done, here," He says and hands me back the broom, so I start sweeping again while Dante cleans the kitchen counters which are the only thing left in this apartment. We got rid of all of my furniture, and only kept the things I really wanted to keep.

I look at him, cleaning, his muscles tense up as he cleans. I bite my lip while looking at him. All of a sudden my sleepiness gets replaced with arousal. He's so freaking hot. His tattooed arms, along with the veins and his muscular back that tenses when he puts pressure on wiping the counter.

"You know, we could have sex for the last time here right now," I innocently suggest. He stops for a moment but then just keeps cleaning. I roll my eyes and walk toward him, letting the broom drop on the floor.

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