Chapter four : Hope Marten.

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I wake up by someone calling me and I groan annoyed. Who in their right mind calls someone at this hour but I decide to answer anyway.

"Hello?" I ask tired.

"Where are you?!" Lisa yells with loud background noise. Shit, I have work! I totally forgot!

"Shit! I was knocked out, I didn't sleep much last night I'm on my way," I say and get up to get my things immediately.

"Don't bother Maya. You fired," She says with a angry tone.

"What?!" I raise my voice. I can't believe what I'm hearing right now, how could I be fired because I'm late once?!

"Your behavior has been incredibly unacceptable lately, I'm done with it," She says angry.

"No it hasn't! I've never missed a shift without someone covering for me!" I now say with a raised voice. This is so unfair and I intend to let her know.

"You'll get your last paycheck by the end of the week. Goodbye," She says and with that she just hangs up.

Stunned I stand against my bed with a shocked face. I know that she is having a hard time with her divorce but firing me just because of one missed shift? That's unacceptable. I've been one of her best employees. I just forgot my morning shift, and now I'm unemployed.

I start to panic and I just look around while overthinking. What am I gonna do?! I have to find a job before I get evicted. The landlord already hates me, he keeps trying to find a reason to kick me out. The moment he finds out I'm unemployed he'll evict me immediately. Overthinking takes over and tears roll down my cheeks. I know I seem dramatic but it was already so hard to find this job. I barely have any work experience because my parents didn't allow me to work until I moved out from their abusive ways of raising me.

I get a call from someone and I just pick up without looking to see who it is since I can't focus on anything else but what I'm going to do now.

"Hello?" I say trying to sound as normal as possible. I don't want to bother anyone with my problems right now.

"Are you crying?" I hear Dante's voice in the other side of the phone. I sigh. Of course he reads right through me, just like last night. I have no idea how he even does it but some how he makes it possible.

"I'm fine Dante, what do you want?" I ask him annoyed. I really don't feel like talking to him right now.

"So aggressive, I'll let it slide because you're sad" He says followed with a low chuckle.

"Could you just tell me what you want please" I ask him followed with a sigh.

He chuckles "Xavier, Yasmin and I are going to Patty's for brunch, Yasmin insisted you'd be there too"

"Tell her I'm not coming"

"Well, we're kind of waiting in front of your apartment complex. Hurry up, I'll see you in five minutes" He now says and it doesn't really sound like I have a choice.

"Yea, hurry up! And I'm not taking no for an answer" I hear Yasmin yell in the background. I sigh and just hang up. I guess could use some time out right now.

I drag myself out of bed and wash my face with cold water to reduce my puffy red eyes. Luckily I put my hair in a bonnet last so I don't have to do my hair all over again. One of the cons of having curly hair. I put some oil in my hair and put on a simple outfit. Denim flared jeans with a white blouse. I'm about to walk out of my apartment when I hear someone knocking in my door just when I walk into my living room.

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