Chapter forty three : Emotional rollercoastar.

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I open my eyes and see that I'm back in the room I woke up in six months. But this time it's different. All I can think about is all of the memories that I got back. Tears grow in my eyes when I know that I finally did it. I finally got them back. It's been hell without them, I didn't know who I was and everything was so confusing. I can't believe how bad I blew it with everyone, I'm sure they're mad.

My baby, I have no idea what is going on with her. I need to see a doctor soon, it's possible that she isn't here anymore. Especially in my case, but, I need to think positively. Maybe it was nothing.

The door bursts open, and both Yasmin and Hailey run in. I have missed them.

"Maya, What happened?!" Hailey asks worried and hugs me immediately. "Where have you been all this time?"

"I—can we talk about that later? I got my memories back," I tell them.

"What?! You did?" Yasmin gasps. I nod smiling as happy tears roll out of my eyes. All I can think about is Dante. They hug me and tears stram over my hospital gown. I get that this is very emotional for them.

"Where is he?" I ask. I am happy that they're here but I need to see Dante. Besides the fact that I miss him and want to kiss him and tell him I love him, his daughter might be in danger and I need him here when the doctor tells me what is going on.

"I heard what happened since I'm your emergency contact and I called him, at first I didn't know whether to because you wanted to stay away from him but it felt too important," She tells me. I nod. It's the best decision she made.

"Thank you, Yasmin," I appreciate her. "I really want to see him."

The doctor walks in with a couple of papers. I sit up straight and I get ready to ask some questions. Especially about my daughter.

"Ladies, I need a moment alone with Maya Castro, if you'd mind waiting outside," He says. Is that good news or bad news? I feel myself getting more nervous after he said that. Usually, doctors request a moment alone when something bad had happened. Is my baby okay?

"No, they can stay," I respond. They're my friends, they can know, whether it's bad or not.

"Of course. Well, there isn't anything bad happening to your baby, nothing life-threatening, the baby is okay..." He explains. I sigh relieved. That is great. I was really worried so it's great to hear that.

"However, she is a little bit behind on growing. Nothing major, just thought I'd let you know..." The doctor tells and I nod. As long as it's not life-threatening. "Bleeding is normal, besides, we know it wasn't much blood. Just to be safe, let's meet again next week and until then, I'm putting you on bed rest."

I sigh and nod bedrest, I can do that, "Alright, thank you."

"We're glad you got your memories back, I'll get the papers to fire you from the hospital," The doctor says and smiles before he leaves.

The door opens soon after and there he is. Dante. He looks out of breath and freezes when he sees me. Differently than last time we were here. Yasmin and Hailey leave immediately without saying a word. Then we're alone. My heart glows and tears stream over my face, not only because I remember him but all of the guilt of putting him through hell.

"Maya, are you okay?" He asks. He doesn't know that I got my memory back, no one knows because I just woke up and I haven't told anyone, I assume the doctors didn't tell anyone either.

"Dante, I remembered," I tell him, and now the look on his face changes. I can't read it. Relief, love, and shock. That's what it is. It's almost like he is frozen.

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