Chapter six : Oddly comforting.

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Tw!: R@pe is mentioned.


I start crying and he just sits there not knowing what to do, which I understand. Eventually, he leads me to my bedroom and tells me to lay in bed. He walks over to the other side and lays down as well.

"I know that you hate me but do I need to stay here for a while? I promise, no sexual stuff" He says calmly. It surprises me that this side of him comes out. We're both not like that around each other, it's weird. Usually, he's rude and cocky but all of a sudden he's sweet.

I nod. I hate him but I'm terrified and I think he's the only one right now who could understand what I'm going through since he's used to this. I wipe my tears away and sniff.

"I'm sorry about all the crying. I feel so weak right now, especially since these things are just so normal to you" I just say. I look so weak right now I hate it. I'm scared he's going to think I can't handle anything.

"Your reaction is perfectly normal Maya. Hope is crazy and I'll handle her but right now you just need to take a nap. I'll get out of your room if you want..."

I shake my head immediately. She could come in the window, there is a staircase right next to it. I don't know what she'll do and what she wouldn't. She is insane.

He nods and just stays and looks at me, and I look back at him. We just lay on my bed and don't say anything for a little while.

"She cheated on me in public so everyone could see. Obviously, people started taking pictures and that was what she wanted. When I found out we argued in the middle of the street, I wanted to go inside but, she wanted to stay there hoping people would take pictures of us arguing. Later we went inside and all of a sudden she didn't wanna talk about it anymore and she just left out the back of the building. I didn't see her since then and the next morning I got arrested because she claimed that I beat her up" He tells me.

My mouth opens wide, not just because of the story but also because he is opening up to me.

"I saw her when we went to court. She was messed up, both of her eyes were black and she had stitches on her cheek and her lips were bruised, she was in a wheelchair because both of her legs were broken. She set up a whole story. The guy that she cheated on me with beat her up so she could blame it on me, and she used the pictures that everyone took of her cheating, us arguing and going into the building for evidence, false evidence. When she was seen in public again her face was all bruised and people were eating the story out of her hand the only people who believed me were my mom and Xavier. Luckily the situation has calmed down and I thought it would stay like this until what happened to you. I left her alone because she got what she wanted and I just wanted her out of my life. But now that she's back and she almost killed you and did hurt you I have to do something" He tells me and I just nod.

I normally wouldn't find this acceptable but she basically buried her own grave the moment she touched me, so I have no sympathy towards her anymore.

"So did you change your mind about me yet?" he asks me following with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Careful darling" He warns me playfully referring to my eye-rolling.

"I still think you're a cocky and arrogant asswipe, but I don't hate you anymore. I think the fact that you left her alone after what she did proves you're not the worst" I tell him.

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