Chapter five : Fucking crazy.

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We walk back to our table and we see that they're ordering. I look at them and they look really happy together.

I sit down, and Dante sits next to me since Yasmin and Xavier sit next to each other across from us. I roll my eyes already and luckily he doesn't notice me doing it.

"And what would you two like to order?" The waitress asks and looks at me and Dante. When she notices Dante all the attention goes to him, as expected, of course.

But before I can reply she cuts me off, "Hi Dante. Big fan of you, just wanted to let you know."

I look offende and she touches his shoulder while rambling on how she loves him boxing. Dante looks incredibly annoyed and it's hilarious but I'm starting to get hungry.

"We would like to order the..."

"Just—just one second" She cuts me off and I feel myself getting annoyed.

"Okay this was fun," I snap, fed up with this bullshit. "But no one has time to look at your failed attempt to get in his pants. Now, four omelets please and a bowl of your fruit salad."

She looks at me with an offended expression on her face.

"Did you not hear her? Listen to what she wants and start writing it down," Dante plays along. She clears her throat and now I look at her with a raised eyebrow. She tries to hold in her anger and puts on a fake smile.

She writes our order down and then walks away angry.

"I'll get her fired the moment we leave," Dante says and watches her with an annoyed expression.

"All she did was compliment you. They're not going to fire her just because of that," I say, I mean she was annoying but getting her fired seems a bit much.

His hand slides over my thigh and he looks at me.

"Then you clearly don't know the power I have in this city," I roll my eyes at his comment and he squeezes my thigh hard. I slap his hand off.

"They got the location of Vlads next shipment" Dante now says and looks at Xavier.

"Good. What's the next move?"

"I'm still thinking things out. But for now we're sticking with the plan," He says.

"Do you really think it's smart to talk about this with us here?" I ask them and Yasmin mumbles agreeing with me.

"As for you" Xavier says and looks at Yasmin. "I don't need to worry about it, you knew what you were getting into by involving yourself with me..." he says and winks at her.

"Plus you both know the consequences when you do decide to do or say something stupid" Dante finishes Xavier's sentence.

"So what's the plan then?" I ask them serious. They laugh because they are not going to tell us.

"If we already know the consequences and you clearly trust us with this then there shouldn't be a problem, correct?" I say. Dante looks surprised, but then he start speaking.

"Well, the Chinese mafia has to choose between my mafia aka the Italian mafia and the American Mafia. We intend to convince him to side with us and then robbing his next shipment, which will be his biggest one ever" He explains the plan and it makes me snort.

Everyone now looks at me with confusion. I look at them awkwardly.

"You got a better plan in mind darling?" Dante asks me and looks at me with a challenging look on his face.

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