Chapter twenty eight : Castro.

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I look around, waiting for Dolores to arrive. I almost think she won't show up until I hear a squeal. I smile and when I turn around I see Dolores walk towards me with elegance. She looks absolutely gorgeous, a white blouse dress and a black belt to cinch her waist along with black matching heels.

She gives me two kisses on the cheek before she sits down. I greet her with a smile. I actually don't feel nervous about meeting Dolores at all, unlike with Francesco, I was really nervous about meeting him but Dolores really makes me feel comfortable like I've been a part of their family for years.

"Again, I'm so sorry for rescheduling," She apologizes. I smile.

"No need to apologize, Dolores, forget about that. How are you?" I ask her. She smiles since I really don't mind it, I mean why would I?

"I'm alright, I have been really happy about you and Dante, and the fact you guys are together," She tells me. I smile and now the waiter comes.

"Can I get you two anything?" He asks us and looks at us.

"I'll have sparkling water, thank you," I tell him, I'm not much of a day drinker so sparkling water is just fine.

"I will have a chardonnay, thank you," Dolores says and the waiter nods before walking away again. I focus my attention back on Dolores.

"Thank you, Maya," She now thanks me, even though I have no idea why. She gives me a sweet and warm smile.

"What did I do?" I can't help but chuckle as this is coming out of the blue so much. She sighs smiling while deciding whether she is going to tell me whatever she needs to share
or not.

"Dante won't admit to it but, the last time I have seen him this happy was before Leah died," She smiled and now I frown shortly when I hear the name. "That was because you came into his life and made him feel happy again."

Leah? Who is Leah? Another ex-girlfriend, after Hope? I can't help but wonder who this is but I mask it, I'll just ask her. Dante never told me about A girl named Leah, I trust him and he probably had the right reason not to share her but I am curious to know who it is.

"I want to thank you since I really appreciate what you said but, who is Lea?" I ask her curiously. She frowns, probably surprised that I don't know who that is. She now struggles to let the words out.

"I really shouldn't tell you that if he hasn't sweetheart," She says referring to Dante. "I'm sure he'll tell if you ask about her, no worries, she isn't another bitch like Hope."

I chuckle shortly.

"You know what happened with Hope?" I now say, automatically changing the subject. She now begins to chuckle.

"Oh I know all too much about her, I hated her. Always telling Dante she wasn't good for him but he wouldn't listen," She shares and now I smile. The stubbornness hasn't left his system.

"But still Maya, my son hasn't been this happy in a long time and when you started to come into his life he softened around his family, actually seeing him smile more and paying attention to our personal lives," She tells me and I smile at the thought of the effect my presence has had on Dante. I like that he smiles more around his family. I do want to ask him who Lea is.

"Thank you, Dolores. I really appreciate that. I really love Dante, I'm gonna be moving in with him after the masquerade ball," I informed her and she raises her eyebrows out of being surprised, as expected.

"oh, wow. haven't you guys just been dating for a couple of months?" She asks and I nod. To be honest, I know it's fast and it scares me a little bit but I do love Dante and I love spending time with him. I'm barely in my apartment anyway so it would make sense.

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