Chapter twenty two : Finally.

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It's been about 2 months since they found Hope. They're keeping her in the basement of the casino. They won't give her back to the Russians because clearly, they're bad at keeping her locked up.

Yasmin and Xavier are really happy and focused on their future child. You can't see her stomach yet but, she's really moody and has morning sickness. One time she's sad, then happy, and then angry. Honestly, it's exhausting just watching her be pregnant, imagine actually being pregnant.

Hailey got her own apartment. She and Oliver just hook up, at least that's what I think. Look what happened with Yasmin and Xavier. It wouldn't surprise me if it would happen again.

As for me and Dante, he's a fucking asshole. He made me cum the next day because I was good. But I jokingly flirted with a stranger a couple of days later and now he's been teasing me for two weeks. I know it sounds weird but it's a long story, and we both knew I wasn't serious. I tried fixing it myself but I'm not fully satisfied, he lets me give him blowjobs but I don't get anything. I've been spending most nights at his house and despite my sexual frustration, I don't even miss my own apartment. He cleared out a drawer for me last night and it actually meant a lot even though it's a really small thing, because it shows that he's serious about me. The only thing that bothers me is that I worry about him a lot when he's out doing his mafia business. He sometimes leaves in the morning and then comes back in the middle of the night while I've just been bored at his place, but he always makes up for it. Just like today, he left this morning, and right now it's 1 AM and he still isn't back.

I sigh as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush. I just brush my teeth as I look in the mirror, and of course, I start overthinking. I love being with Dante and spending time with him but this is really the life I wanna live? being his girlfriend who is worried all the time, I mean what if one day I come back to his house and his head is on the driveway. I like Dante but I just don't know if I'm ready for that because it's already starting and it scares me. It's like those military wives, one day you could just wake up and get the call.

I finished brushing my teeth and put on my pajamas. I don't think he's coming back tonight. At least give me a heads up if you're not gonna be here so I could just go back to my apartment. I get in bed I get under the covers hoping I can fall asleep fast.

I'm almost asleep when I hear his bedroom door open. I hear footsteps but I keep my eyes shut. I am mad because of the fact that I had to worry all day long. I hear him go into the bathroom and I actually try to fall back asleep, I'm not gonna waste my time on him right now I just wanna sleep. Moments later he walked back into the bedroom and he lays in bed next to me, I'm facing my back towards him so he can easily pull me in close so now I am a little spooning him.

"I know you're awake," He says.

"Do you want a lollipop for that?" I ask rudely. I know it was a bit harsh but I'm honestly mad he's been gone all day and didn't bother to call or text me. Not only is my anger mixed with sexual frustration but it's also mixed with the fact that I still haven't seen Hope after two months.

"You're mad," He sighs. Of course, I'm mad what type of question is that?

"Ding ding ding," I imitate the sound of a bell. I don't want to talk about this right now.

"Look, I'm sorry I was gone all day..."

"You could've let me know you were going to be out for the whole day. I could've gone back to my apartment, instead of staying here and being bored all day long," I say deciding to get into it anyway.

"I know, but in my defense, I didn't know I was going to be there for that long," He now says and I sigh, whatever.

"Is this how it's going to be? If we're going to keep dating, I mean," I ask him. I still need to know.

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