Chapter forty : Welcome back.

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As I open my eyes I know I am in a hospital. I know that I am in a hospital. The mask on my mouth. The interior of the room, all white and simple. I recognize it. Where am I exactly? I need to get back to my apartment. How did I even get here? My landlord will be pissed. The first day in my new apartment in New York and I'm late to receive my key!

A nurse walks in but when she sees me she gasps. Her eyes grow wide and she stumbles back.

"Doctor!" She calls loud. I take off my mask. I'm fine breathing on my own.

"Excuse me? Nurse, what happened to me?" I ask the nurse.

"You just woke up from a coma ma'am. Do you know what day it is? Do you know your name?" The nurse asks.

"I was what?! How long was I out for?" I ask. Why isn't she answering these questions?

"Ma'am, I need you to answer these questions," She tells me and the doctor walks in.

"It's Tuesday, I just moved here, what happened? And my name is Maya Castro," I tell her. If I got into a coma, why would she ask me these questions? It's not like I had any memory loss. I remember everything. I moved to the city yesterday and I start my new job with Yasmin tomorrow. I still need to call Lisa and let her know that I can come in earlier tomorrow.

"I need to check for vitals and monitor it, this will be done manually," I get told and the doctor starts doing his thing. I look around frowning. What is going on?

"Maya, what is the last thing you remember?" The doctor asks.

"Well, I came into the city. I just moved here," The look on the doctor's face stiffens for a moment.

"Your ribs were broken but are already healing. You'll have to stay in this hospital until you are ready to take on physiotherapy," He says. I just nod. I have no idea what he is talking about. Broken ribs? Coma? I need more information than this.

It's about an hour later. I'm eating a sandwich while sitting in bed, as straight as I can handle. The doctor gave me some more information. How I got into this coma. Car accident. The doctor told me something vague about me finding out more later. It's quite disgusting so I put it back down. I sigh and look out the view when I see Yasmin burst into my room.

"Maya!" She shouts loud and almost jumps on me but stops herself when she notices my ribs.

"Hey Yas," She takes a step back and now I notice her big belly.

"What the fuck Yasmin!" I gasp loudly. She frowns. She hums confused. Is she pregnant?! I know I haven't seen her in a long time but, she could have told me. She wants to speak but holds back and sits on the chair next to me instead.


The feeling of rush and excitement rushes through me. I finally get to see her again. Finally, I get to hold her in my arms and whisper to our baby, I've been dreaming of me doing that. With my heartbeat racing and my eyes wide open I ask Hailey,

"Are you kidding? Don't tell me that you're joking," She looks at me offended.

"Are you actually serious?! You think I would joke about that?!" She gasps. I shrug. "Well, let's go!"

We both run in different directions, me to the kitchen to grab my keys and Hailey to the car to wait for me. It's been a month, a month since I've seen her. Finally, I get to celebrate her pregnancy with her.

We run, we run towards her room. I stop in front of the door and take a breath before opening the door. When I walk in my heart stops. Maya. She is sitting up straight against her back. She's uncomfortably looking around the room while Yasmin looks stressed in front of her.

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