Chapter twenty five: Rotting all alone.

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I get woken up by someone touching my hair. I yawn and open my eyes. I'm still laying on Dante and I feel him touching and pulling my curls. I snort-laugh and now look up at Dante. He likes my curls, always twirling around them with his fingers when he thinks deeply. I on the other hand don't always like it because my hair gets messed up but I think it's cute.

"Good morning, beautiful" He tells me and I smile, I'm glad we're on good terms. I give him a kiss and lay back on his chest. We lay there for a couple of minutes and I realize that today is the day I get to see Hope. It's not like I'm excited to see her I just need to face her. The last time I saw her I was terrified, this time that will be different. Show her another side of me, one that she doesn't know.

"When are we going to see Hope?" I ask Dante. I know he doesn't want me to see her because he thinks she's dangerous but then he doesn't know me. I can be dangerous too.

"We can see her right now so we got it over with. I wanna see Xavier and Yasmin after, did you know she's pregnant?" He asks and I nod.

"But I don't want to go to Yasmin after, I need to show you the layout for the Ball" I tell him and he nods. I immediately get ready.

When I'm finally dressed I wait a little while for Dante. I know he's not looking forward to this but he really doesn't know how mean I can be because I haven't shown him.

We walk through the hallway below Lacoste and we hear people screaming and crying but I just ignore it for the most part. My only goal right now is Hope. A couple of days ago I found out about something, the same day that Dante found out his dad died he told me they had a mole in the Italian mafia. But it got me thinking, what if it isn't someone in the mafia? What if it is something who isn't in the mafia but who knows too much about it. Dante's men are like loyal dogs, they'd never betray him. However, Hope would.

When we reach Hope's cell I see her sitting in a dark corner. It's not that dark because I can see how bad she looks. She looks beaten up and starved. I would almost feel bad for her but I don't. The room is dark, one light in the middle of the ceiling, on the verge of being to its end. The walls are disgusting. It wouldn't hurt to clean up in here, it smells terrible. I couldn't imagine spending minutes, hours, days, or even years in here.

"Hello, Hope" I say in a cold tone and cross my arms. I cannot show any vulnerability or emotion right now because that is what she feeds on, fear and attention. She looks up and looks at me with a furious facial expression, despite the position she is in she still finds a way to be confident or tough.

"What the fuck do you want?" She asks me. It's clear that she's trying to hold it together and tries to sound intimidating but it doesn't work on me anymore. The moment she tried to kill me I knew she was dangerous and I wanted nothing to do with Dante anymore but that changed, she doesn't fear me anymore. She is the one who should be afraid right now.

I just get into the cell, Dante tries to hold me back but I don't let him. The moment I get into the cell she tries to run towards me but I whip out a gun, clock it and aim it towards her. Dante didn't know I grabbed the gun from his nightstand drawer. My dad was a cop, not the corrupt kind but the kind who actually helps all people in danger, right before he left us he taught me how to use a gun. I've never forgotten it.

"Oh..." She chuckles and I arch my eyebrow. "That's cute, I'm sure you don't even know how to use it" She tries to scare me with big words but it only makes her look stupid, if she really was sure of that she wouldn't stand still but just attack me. I look at her with my eyebrow still raised. I aim at her left thigh and shoot right in the middle while staying in eye contact with her. She screams and grabs her leg as she falls on the ground screaming in pain, blood drips out of her leg while she tries to stop it. I just stare at her not caring that she is in pain.

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