Chapter twenty three : Three words.

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Did he just realize he told me he loves me? My heart skips a beat as the three words pierce through my heart and I look up at him quickly. No man has told me they loved me and mean it. They just used to say it in order to manipulate me. A soon he realizes what he said, he looks at me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It just slipped out..." He apologizes and clears his throat.

"I love you too," I cut him off. This is it, my wall has dropped completely the moment I said it, I don't say it easily since it's been taken advantage of. It's so incredibly hard for me to say those words but I mean them. I love him. I now see Dante smile, I love his smile. I feel so in love with him right now and I smile and look down at my fingers, why do I feel so shy around him all of a sudden?

He lays down and I lay on his chest. I look up at him and give him a kiss.

"Are you sure it's okay? I understand if you'd leave me," I tell him as I actually would. I assume he wants children and I most likely can't give him that.

"I would never leave you. Not for anything, not even if you couldn't bear my children. I love you, Maya. We can always try or use different ways to have kids," He says and I nod. He is right. "But, we can worry about that in the future. I'm not sharing you yet."

I laugh at his comment and now he gives me a kiss. I feel really happy right now. My mind flashes to Hope. It's been two months since they've found her.

"Dante, can I ask you something without this turning into a fight?" I ask him. He looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

"When am I allowed to see Hope?" I ask him. He sighs and rolls his eyes. I know he doesn't like it when I talk about her. But I need to, I'm fucking furious when it comes to her. I want to hurt her, bad.


"It's been two months. Please, can I see her tomorrow?" I ask him. I climb up on his lap. I run my hands over his chest and he crosses his arms behind his head and rests his head on his arms. I lean in and kiss him. "Please, can I please see her tomorrow?" I ask him still leaning forward.

"You're such a baby," He chuckles. "Fine. You'll see her the day after tomorrow. I have a boxing match tomorrow, you'll be cheering me on."

I raise my eyebrow. "That means everyone will know," I point out.

I think I'm ready with people knowing. I trust that Dante has protection over me at all times because he already has. He doesn't know I know but I see his men around me all the time. At work and whenever I go out. They're always in black suits and they all have the same tattoos, an L, from Lacoste of course.

"You still want to keep it a secret?" He asks and I shake my head causing him to smirk. I smile and grind against his dick. He groans and looks at me while licking his lips. I smirk and feel something poking my ass. I crawl down and take off his boxers.

"Did you ask me if you could do that?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.  I look at him and raise my eyebrow and he chuckles. "Fine, go ahead."

I smile and crawl down. I pull down his jeans and look at him one more time before I slowly take him in my mouth. I take him out of my mouth and lick his tip before fully taking him back into my mouth.

"Fuck, Maya," He cusses sexually frustrated. Now he has a taste of what I have felt for two whole weeks. I look up at him while keep sucking him eagerly. I moan softly while sucking because I know it turns him on incredibly bad. He now grabs my hair and pushes my head down and pulls it back up faster. I swat his hand away from my head. I pull back up and look at him annoyed.

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