Chapter forty seven : It's time.

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"Look at this, this is so cute!" I squeal as I hold up the pink little romper with mama's best friend on it.

"Maya, her entire closet is stuffed with clothes already, we don't need more," Dante says and drags me with him. We're at Target because we needed some decoration for Leah's room. Dante surprised me with it about a month ago. It's super cute. All purple, as I wanted. I thought that pink was cute but it was too basic so we decided on purple.

I roll my eyes. But I know Dante is right. We have a ton of cute clothes and matching sets for her because every time I go out shopping I get some clothes for Leah. It's just that all of them are so cute and I just can't resist.

"I'm getting a bottle," He says and kisses me on my cheek. "Look if they have the pillows that you wanted."

As I walk into another aisle I see someone who I thought I'd never see again. Sophie. When she turns her head towards us, she freezes. She looks different. Almost like she was doing okay. It's been about a year since I've last seen her so I would understand that she's changed.

"Maya," She gasps as she looks at my belly. Stay calm. She could have good intentions—I hope she has good intentions. She took my threat towards her seriously so I don't think she'd start disobeying now.

I walk towards her. "Hi."

"I heard all that happened, are you okay?" She asks. I know she is referring to my coma. She seems genuinely concerned so I decide to be polite.

"Yea, I'm fine," I answer. "How are you?"

"Yea yea, I'm okay, but you're pregnant!" she says excitedly. I smile. "Is it Dante's?"

I nod. For some reason, the question annoys me. Of course, she'd think that it's somebody else's. That is how she has always been. I ignored it at first but slowly it started to get annoying. She was always like that with Yasmin because she dated a lot.

"Look, we can pretend like there isn't a huge issue between us but..." she begins. "I'm really sorry, about everything, Maya."

"I appreciate that, Sophie," I tell her. "But it's still best if we keep distance between each other."

She nods, "I know, but still, you need an apology, my behavior when you rejected me—I just—I'm so ashamed."

"The fact that you apologized says and means a lot, Sophie," I tell her. It does. She hurt both me and my sister, so the fact that she opens up and apologizes a lot, but it doesn't mean we can be friends again, what she did to my sister is too messed up.

"I'm actually dating someone now," she tells me. "Her name is Iris."

I smile, "Good for you, Sophie. I do have to go, Dante and I have plans and he's waiting for me."

She nods and walks past me. I doubt that it is the last time that I will see her. I take a deep breath. I don't want to see her anymore. She's made threats towards the man I love. She is no better than Hope. Hope is dead. Sophie is lucky to be alive.

"Baby, you okay?" I hear Dante's voice. I smile and turn around.

"I'm okay," I tell him and give him a short kiss.

"Did you find the pillows?" He asks and I nod. I walk over to the lavender, big, fluffy pillows and take two. These are the final touches to Leah's room. The room was beautiful, but it just missed a few details.

"Come on, let's go home," he says and I nod. Suddenly I feel pressure on my lower belly and a pool of water drips down my legs. My initial thought is; that it's time.

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